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Daeton Swiftplume Locations
/way #37 30.38 91.41 Duck Nest (Alliance)
/way #1 44.43 35.10 Duck Nest (Horde)
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What do you think of the Noblegarden 2024 updates?
I can't wait to spend hours camping a couple eggs.
The mount being a 1% drop chance is a better joke than blizzard's actual april fools jokes.
I got the dress already haha
lol first person I heard pronounce goldshire, “gold sheer”
Nice. Finished Plunderstorm so it's good to have something new to do.
Think of how MrGM must pronounce Lancashire and Worcestershire. Then, give him your best tolerant smile.
missed the chance of calling it a "Duck-sguiser"
As a druid, I'm wishing we'd gotten a duck form from this
I just don't vibe with 2d transmogs anymore. Like at all.
nice holiday update, will have to hop on shortly and test my luck.
Done the questline, it was funny.
A flying carpet mount? really? not a giant rabbit mount or a duck mount, a fucking magic carpet that reuses a 15 year old asset. Idk why i expected more.
Should have been a duck mount
if anything this rare mobs and bosses show is the amount of visual overload this game has this days. really annoying. wish times where simpler.
nice the duck toy.I want that
called someone a sissy boy in PLunderstorm….7 day ban….gets lifted monday night….have tuesday after work to get all the achivements…all i need for Violet proto drake..hope i dont ahve to wait till next year.
new wow noblegarden content in 2024. sweet
3:40 the new skin for the Vigor bar is really cool, what mod is that?
Hearing him say Goldshire feels like listening to nails on a chalkboard
Did you just say goldsheer??
Do you need to of completed the quest to be eligible for the mount drop?
Hey MrGM, can you make a vid about the new questlines in WotLK classic for the Gnome and Troll toy disguises? Pls
New love rocket type mount to hunt for yay
I was really hoping for Jesus as a Noblegarden world boss, but I guess the 3 day respawn timer would be a problem.
Really a week? Well fuck us busy people huh….
Oh and mate its Shire! Not Sheer….the hobbit wasnt from the Sheer….
Never heard anyone pronounce it Gold-shear in my 17 years of WoWing. Lol
Oh yay another themed thing that won’t be used much except one time a year 😂. Only good things were the none themed ones on trading post. I admit the pet duck for doing the monthly stuff is at least cute.