Opera Singer Reacts: Invincible // world of Warcraft OST

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Wow. well, Wow. haha. This is STUNNING.
Composer list:
Glenn StaffordDerek DukeTracy W. BushJason HayesVictor CrewsRussell BrowerMatt UelmenJoseph LawrenceBrian David FarrDavid ArkenstoneNeal AcreeEdo GuidottiSam CardonJeremy SouleCraig Stuart GarfinkleEimear NooneClint BajakianAdam BurgessLeo KaliskiKory McMaster
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♪♫♬👊https://linktr.ee/marcodmeatball 👊♬♫♪


36 thoughts on “Opera Singer Reacts: Invincible // world of Warcraft OST”

  1. It's a BEAUTIFUL song, because it's not just about Arthas's horse– It IS himself. The Lich King was also thought to be "Invincible" in his power, and the unlikely death of his beloved horse mirrors his own tragic downfall. This song gives me goosebumps ALLL the time.

  2. These songs are even more meaningful for us who know the lore. Invincible was Arthas' beloved steed he helped bring into the world, and directly caused his demise with his recklessness. You guessing Invincible died showcases the talent of WoW's music team.

    PS Invincible is an extremely rare in-game mount players have been farming for years.

    PSS another track to review – "Canticle of Sacrifice".

  3. There’s few songs in gaming history, if any that hit me as hard as this one. So many memories and nostalgia attached to it. The song reminds me of excellent memories and time with friends I made during a very sad time in my life and the way it lifted my spirits will not be forgotten. Epic hardly even meets the criteria for what this music means to me 15+ years later. I enjoyed your reaction to this and I’m glad I found your channel.

  4. I always said that a big part of WOW's ridiculous success for all those years were thanks of the music in lore and just for the ambience it had character , impact and in a way was so integral to the plot. To this day after years of not playing the game I listen to the soundtracks on a daily basis.

  5. As much as I like when people just enjoy wow the game for what it is and of course I understand everyone can play it their own way, its really heartbreaking to me that people these days just power through and just want to get things over with and pay no attention to the story and lore. To me, this is what made wow THE game. The depth of the story and characters even that of the fking horse with 0.1% drop chance to which people just spam the raid to get it. If you do play wow, I urge you to read through the quests and lore, maybe even play warcraft 3 if an MMO is not for you… Or even read the Warcraft book 🙂 Anyways… thats enough nostalgia for me. This was a nice review, thanks for this blast to the past Mr MarcoMeatball

  6. In my opinion, WoW itself did a rather poor job telling it's story. What really elevated it, was having played Warcraft 2 and 3 beforehand.
    That aside, the soundtrack and cinematics are the best there are.

  7. I started playing WoW in 2004 or 2005, and played it all the way through the end of Wrath of the Lick King. I still like to pull up the soundtracks and listen. Such great music and it really hits me in the feels.

  8. Arthas, the lich King. But he lost Invincible when he was a young mere human in an accident in the woods, there was no healer that knew where they were, so he had to Mercy kill Invincible. When he got shadowmourn (a sword) and he became a death Knight, the first thing he did was raising invincible from death.
    Very small and very simplified. Recommend reading the wow book Arthas, it really sets the scene, with this song, and what is going on in wrath over all with Arthas storyline. Good read

  9. Not sure if asnyone in the comments mentioned it yet, though a lot have already helped you tie up any questions you have, but just stopping at your question to wether this is in latin. Nearly, it is in Common, an in-universe language, being the native tongue of the humans, and the factional tongue of the Alliance due to humans being at the centre of the Alliance. The language is heavily inspired by latin, and old English.

  10. Not that long ago, games (even online ones) were pure art that gripped at your feeling making you attach to the world, the lore, the characters. It stirred your emotions and gripped your soul.
    Alas no king rules forever. Gaming isn't as good as it used to be, but from time to time you get something special. The music in WoW – Wrath of the Lich King was exceptional to me. It was pretty good in "Mist of Pandaria" too, but WotLK ? wow.

    I hope in the future we start getting such amazing stories/music again.
    Thanks for for reacting on this one. Love your channel, +1 sub 🙂

  11. I'm sorry but as a singer shouldn't you have some, "musical sensitivity"? I mean, I could never pause in the middle of a music, even less the first time I hear it. Maybe you should play it once cotrectly at least, (or at least tell us you did without pretending, if you've written a script) and only then go full analysis, but mixing the two just sounds like a denaturation of the art we're trying to feel.


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