Oribos Portal Trainer Location Shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hello my fellow World of Warcraft Mages out there!! Here is a quick video showcasing where the new Mage portal trainer is located in Oribos! I hope this helps!

As always please feel free to hit the like and subscribe button!

Peace be with you, Friends!


13 thoughts on “Oribos Portal Trainer Location Shadowlands”

  1. Thanks SO much for not wasting our time!!! No stupid music, no irrelevant & tedious chit chat. Right to the point. Clear map, 26 seconds in. No need for me to scrub thru 15 minutes worth of BS looking for the one piece of data I needed! I have no idea what you said for the rest of the 2:21, and it absolutely doesn't matter. YOU ROCK! Instant sub and upvote. Other Youtubers should take lessons from you.


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