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OTK vs Trust the Process
Upper Quarters | AWC Shadowlands NA Cup 3
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Love you Xiuni 🙂
wow OTK slapping
It's just a phrase. Casters trippin.
You guys are clueless. The changes are a joke. Nobody cares about anima, nobody cares about upgrading stats, non retroactive VP is a spit in the face.
MES & TRILL do u guys maybe chill lil bit?!
This dmg is INSANE!
One sided and amazing
OTK are such bosses! Mes is a GOD! Cdew is the Immortal Dad! Trill is a Speed Demon!
why play a comp that requires cross cc when you can just grip people in and aoe them with 2 abilities lmao
Trust the Process is a motto often used by the Philadelphia 76ers of the NBA
Love to see RMP losing. I hate that comp. Not fun to play against, even when you win.
Why is there a roblox logo on a wow tournament thumbnail…
I havent played since MoP but I mained a rest shaman and a blood/frost DK, so im rooting for OTK. LET'S GO!!!
OTK are just BEASTS!!!!
Kalvishhhh you should've go with your One shot build .. Jk keep it up man
What is this discount Ziqo doing? He has NO idea whats going on
Resto Sham mana is next on the nerf list for healers now that hpal is nerfed
this is just every 2s and 3s game for me too. disc is useless if a fight is longer than 3 mins bcuz oom
What’s this team doing in awc are they 1k rated
Man good for the ORG they are nice people
imagine actually playing a priest, what a moron
disc priests mana is balanced
nerf rogue
When you see the video is only 20 minutes, you already know what happened here.
where was ZiQ? and why replace him with a chubby guy with zero charisma?
Is disc viable? Watching AWC i have impression that only class would compete with holy pala is resto shammy.
Dang, Mes poppin off 🔥
Lord Mes rolling
Where is Ziqo?
Should probably nerf rogues.
rmp in shadowlands. Oof.
i like how you @world of warcraft made thumbnail. Hover over mouse and you see OTK win, great spoils
And dont tell me WW monk isnt broken.
This Rogue must be learn how to play rogue. Zero help to team mate when he under presure and what is that vanish dude 16:20 wtf is that. Waste of skills
Watching TWD is like watching Khabib fighting. You already know who is going to win and it makes it boring af
And dont tell me WW monk isnt broken.
GOOD dmg mdd more nerf mage))) Sarcasm)
man… this game is like 3 professional boxers are fighting 3 kids 10 years old. First they took away rogue's damage, now they took away rogue's cc… what's next blizzard? maybe just delete rogues from the game?
I really respect the RMP tho
mes always out here just breaking the meta running glacial advance, dual wielding
and making it all work in awc
only time mage is not picked in awc, and they easily win in 5 mins
Geez their whole comp just slaps meme burst.
Yeah man WW is so balanced well done OTK truly outskilled your opponents for years man grip into stun, well done huge mechanical plays how do you guys grip into sweep is there something I am missing? Change your team name to two buttonz
They wanted a WW/DK but not this WW/DK – that quote defined the series