Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft | Gameplay Trailer

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Step into a world 20 years in the making with Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft!

Serve the Horde with Widowmaker as Sylvanas Windrunner, wield the legendary Frostmourne with Reinhardt as the Lich King, choose your own destiny with Zenyatta as Thrall, and rule under the mountain with Torbjörn as Magni Bronzebeard.

Get brand new Voice Lines, Emotes, and Highlights Intros all inspired by World of Warcraft. You can even unlock up to 8 free rewards to keep the WoW celebrations going.

Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft arrives in-game TODAY.

Overwatch 2 is free to play for everyone on console & PC!

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32 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft | Gameplay Trailer”

  1. Moira with a Gul'dan skin would have been a better choice than Zenyatta with Thrall skin.
    Also should of used either Mannoroth or Grommash Hellscream for Reinhardt skin. Makes more sense with Reinhardt charge and weapon slam being warrior class trait.

  2. Blizzard: Hey guys we have to make a skin about thrall the Orc Shaman, but wich character do we use for it?
    Employee: Well Orcs are Strong, they have an spiritual connection with the world and Trhall has a warhammer so i'm thinking on…
    Blizzard: YES ZENYATTA!!!
    Employee: WHAT?!! NO!! I WAS THINKING ON RAMATTRA… he even has the dreadlocks and the staff, besides their ojectives are very similar and… isn't zenyatta like super skinny?
    Blizzard: Neh who cares Zen would be


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