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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
brazilian killing the noobs oh yeahh
brazil rules Oh dude
Idk. some classes seems to be able to self heal waaaay to much for pvp.
Instant heals costing no resource for 20k, insane damage based on luck, 1 shotting with no counterplay. boring to watch
Im balanced
GG I'm ikki><
Unfaire Classe
Chicago, Peechy and Worgren lose every single match they're in, can some new players come in?
Self healing more than an actual healer, whilst judge + auto insta gibbing people… not very interesting to watch.
If so many classes can have crazy self heal, even mage have 3 shields at the same time and self heal during ice block, maybe give rogue something. I know rogue can vanish which seem like a big advantage but vanish doesn't heal the rogue, and you can counter vanish easily with the eye.
This is nothing compared to the fire mages, the only reason he can keep up for that long is the heal
Ret is one of my main toons and I feel cheesy playing it… so many Bias ret paladins with only one level 60 toon, crying for ret not to be nerfed so they can keep back peddling to victory. 20% wont be anything when it goes live should have been 40+%. Still have insane damage with DT + Ringing clarity conduit at 56% chance to send 3 extra judgments for the one shot with wings and seraphim.
im a new player, whats that divine hammer that appears everytime he use ashen verdict? is that a glyph?
Hes not good. Hes just op
new to wow and not sure what class to pick ? dont worry paladin can do it all from instant full heals to being able to 1 shot u thru their bubble while u just gotta sit and watch. For some reason this class does more rdps than my survival hunter mostly. But if you pick this class no one will respect you or think youre good even if you are. If paladin didnt have broken moves no one would play it because its the most generic boring shit ever. (its been this way for over 10 years)
Worgren played so well. but you cant beat whats broken
10:02 daaamn son 😱😱☠
LMFAO the first rogue just sucks why are you even in these plz delete your toon an reroll 🤣🤣🤣
Nerf Milord.
The Pala didn’t wait for the other guys to enter the platform… ridiculous dmg and selfheal.. I hope they gonna patch them…
Wow the soap opera of favortism
That was cheap shot by milord attacking worgen when he wasnt even ready and built up holy power
More warlock, plz
They should just ban paladíns in general for pvp
Yeah paladins need to be nerfed big time..
They really need to fix some of this. Watching a Hunter range a paladin, use every trick in the book and the paly just wings, HoJ and word of glory. The skill it takes to play a Hunter and STILL lose to a paladin that is tanking dmg, cc and insta healing itself is just ridiculous. Worgren controlled the entire fight even after the Paly just rushed him (b/c his burst was up) and Paly literally just waited for burst windows and healed through everything. Nerf the heals or nerf the dmg (one or the other, NOT both) b/c right now, Paladin is stupid.
first rogue was terrible even for sin
He should show people ilvl. That ret is 215 ilvl while others are barely 200. Ofc he will delete people. If there was 215 ww/fire/sprist/affli/arms/feral/boomkin/elem against 200, it would end the same way. Gear makes a huge difference in the arena in SL
Just fking nerf Ret alrdy! Its just sad at this point.
I blame Savix always whining like a bitch about ret pally, now we have a class with insane burst damage and healing that's almost constantly available and defensives for days…
ret pally damage from their 3 button rotation is just mental lmao
Azralon and Tolbarad, both Brazilian servers, even with a high ping they won, congratulations.
Honestamente que un paladin haga un 5v1 es hasta fácil en cierto punto, cuando lo hace un guerrero o hunter es de admirar.
Psdt: Si un comentario en español :v
wtf is that Pala dmg…??? so this is OK!!!! but meanwhile Shamans got nerfed specially Enhancement
what are those clowns doing behind the box xD get them out of there
the title lol
Istg its noobs vs noobs all the time. This hunter had all the time to cast double tap aimed shot. But nahh, opens like every huntard with rapid fire
That's it I'm making a pally.
“Nerf Pally” says the indestructible mage and rogue with unlimited stuns and dots 😂
Sou Ally do nemesis, mas é muito bom vê os gringos chorando nos comentários. Meus parabéns a horda do azralon, Milord jogou muito.
No skill paladin lmao
Ive been playing combat rogue (Outlul, whatever) since Vanilla and this is the first time I had to switch to pally to get invites for rgbs. Passed up…. For a hybrid class.
Monkeyflip is toxic @ 8:29 kick on CD
99% comments: crying about paladin is OP
1%: Ret players