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Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
0:00 Intro
0:30 Pandaria Remix summary
3:49 Is Blizzard Testing “Borrowed Features?”
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I'm actually looking forward to this pandastorm.
The most annoying thing about this Pandaria time running feature is that it encourages people to roll alts and do solo open world content rather than participate in the season 4 awakened content in dragonflight. There really isn't anything to do in season 4 other than group content that's awakened, there's very little of anything in the open world to do other than complete the weekly Quest once a week in dragonflight. So if a lot of people are farming up transmogs and mounts in the Pandaria time running feature, nobody's going to be using raid finder or heroic dungeon finder and the que times will be longer.
but soul!!! without my FOMO i would have No MO
Its a especial/side game mode, is not like the new expansión's core feature, if u don't like it, just play regular retail 🙄
Don't listen to the doomers, guys. MoP Remix is legitimately cool to see and I'm actually excited that Blizz is trying new things with old content. Season of Discovery is a hit and now MoP Remix is definitely an intriguing addition. Hopefully they do this with other expansions, too.
If in the end, you just got a normal alt with a lot of cool cosmetics on your account, at least leveling it/them was fun, not a boring grind
nice ideas
Season 4 is basically a recap of season 1-2-3 and there is nothing new. Panda remix has exciting level experience, cool rewards and fun levelling. I always loved levelling. Instead of season 4 of all contents, they can make remix of old content with cool rewards and im fully up for it. We can take a breath from competetive gameplay and have fun.
They’ve got so much old and beloved content that it almost DOESN’T make sense that they wouldn’t do something like this Panda-monium or whatever it’s called… I think it was a good call to kick this off with MoP because it was a great yet still somewhat modern xpac.
300 years ago, people thought it is a good idea to have slaves. And those who have been deemed slaves (by social rating or just by zone of habitation) didn't object to it.
This timed events hype takes the game too far away from it's core (not that it isn't gone already, but…). I understand it looks good now and even I would like to get my hands on this panda thing. But something and I can't pinpoint it yet, tells me this is going to backfire maybe not now, but in the future.
Getting back to original game will be harder and harder, no matter who is there Greg Street, Chris Metzen or whoever. It's not lore or mechanics it is the feel of players to what to expect.
I'd personally really like Remix to be something that's always up, but every few months a new "season" begins. For example, let's say Pandaria launches and then, a few months later, Pandaria is no longer active, but a new season of WoW Remix based around Warlord of Draenor is immediately up the moment Pandaria goes down. Then another few months later the WoD season goes down and a Legion season goes up.
Kinda like how Mythic + currently works. It's always up, but the 8 dungeons avaiable cycle in and out. Likewise, Remix would always be up but cycle through exapansions.
Good points. Thumbs up for great videos!
Great way to utilise older content, get some fast leveling with lots of players, add transmorg and other collectibles while making the end of an expansion fun. Great idea, hope for more. Zanny for a few months and hope racial armor will be allowed once the characters rejoin retail.
I learnt a few years ago "Never read the comments". It'll improve your life.
You're welcome.
There are many games with multiple Game Modes, similar as Call of Duty has Warzone mode, Multiplayer mode, Zombies mode etc. Older days games had also multiple modes Solo being one, Hot Seat multiplayer and LAN multiplayer so these are nothing new.
after 2 days of playing the PTR one thing comes to mind overcrowding on quests i spent over 10 mins on one quest because all the targets were already dead
Looks fun but it's not wow: it's a ranom game mode I have to pay the sub to play.
What does it matter if it's borrowed power or not if it's limited. It's not a new expansion, it's like Plunderstorm and goes away. You're not stupid and you already know that. But you got to get hits for that YouTube loot.
I've come to the conclusion that the grumblers have one of two positions at any point after the #.2 patch:
(1) (Insert New Feature/Patch) SUCKS, if you like it you are hooked on copium and are a simp just shoving your money over to Blizzard.
(2) Where's the CONTENT, Blizz? What are you doing with my money?
I’m fine with this. Screw the negative people all social media and YouTube is is just people complaining it’s been that way for most games for years and years. It’s not new it’s still a loud minority tbh.
I usually never comment, but I just need to say that what Blizzard is doing is absolutely great. If something like this never existed, I would never level another character to play retail and I would just stick to playing SoD.