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9.0.2 Guide Playlist:
Written Guide:
0:00 Introduction
0:53 Generic Tips
8:18 Shriekwing
10:43 Huntsman Altimor
14:03 Hungering Destroyer
15:26 Artificer Xy’mox
16:53 Sun King’s Salvation
20:10 Lady Inerva Darkvein
22:02 The Council of Blood
25:03 Sludgefist
28:40 Stone Legion Generals
31:26 Sire Denathrius
Music provided by Monstercat
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Do you cast PI as soon as it is up or do you hold it to line with voidform? Nice guides btw
Hell yea thank you as always
Stone legion video is very choppy.
Thanks for the guide 💜
Hello Publik, I would like to know your thoughts in cleave fight, with this rework i feel SP is really weak in cleave our dots and spirits damage is a joke even with the spirits conduit we steal weak and we are not even the best at single target.
Gold as always Publik. Thank you!
Awesome video, I have been waiting for exactly this.
Can we get a boss guild on heroic sire. Thanks for the worderful video
For Painbreaker Psalm, the sims I've seen seem to often use it immediately after applying dots, which i wouldn't believe is optimal. Using SW:D right as SW:P is about to expire makes them line up pretty well (and you get the full damage of the effect). You do not lose dot uptime if you are going to reapply anyway, it's 20 insanity generation (or more?) per cast, and around 2.5 to 3% damage overall single target.
EVTTV from what I've seen does less overall damage and generates 45 insanity per proc.
What math am I missing here? Almost every justification of psalm being a shit legendary I've heard is "it removes time from your dots and you never want to remove your dots." But the fact is you don't need to (mostly if you're using misery), as it does full damage even if you cast it with 0.05 seconds left on the dot that you were going to reapply with misery anyway.
Started getting some 90+ parses (for ilvl) with your help! Thanks for all your work, it's a beautiful spec and has intricacies that I hadn't appreciated before watching your stuff!
Hey dude, what addon do you use for mob health bars???
What are those wings popping up sometimes? Is it transmog or something else?
Talbadar over any other legendary at the moment. If u play correctly, talbadar ends on top
Take a shot every time he says "for the most part"
Thanks a lot for this
Hey publik I have kept up to date with all your videos and they are super helpful I was just wondering if you had some logs we could look at!
Everyone said that shadow priest is gonna be awesome and what I see in dungeons and raids the majority of the other class are better than shadow. It is good on single target but its aoe damage is rubbish.
Great job, man, as always!
Could you please make one video for m+ gameplay in general? I play as a Shadow Priest and I'm doing fine with boss fights but I'm really struggling to do a big dps on trash mobs.
this is so amazing. Having such a hard time on Sun king and Sire. Thanks for this.
Thanks again for another enlightening video ☺️
What the boss nameplate addon that you have on the right side of the screen which shows your VT and SWP on them? Thanks
Huntsman (2nd boss) question – if I'm nuking one of the dogs and keeping dots on both, do I cast all my DPs on the target with Hungering Void debuff (from void bolt) or do I DP alternate between dog and boss. I know DP's damage rolls so I am technically not losing damage but I get so much insanity sometimes I feel I'm overwriting the dot way too much on 1 target rather than trying to dot both targets. Yet again the boss doesn't have Hungering debuff if I'm nuking the dog?
would love a good council video with commentary
Are we supposed to NOT be using PI on ourselves? Is there a rule about this? Like if we have void eruption up we PI ourselves, otherwise we PI someone else?
What the heck happened with the stone legion footage 😀
getting into shadow priest your videos Really helped. Thank you. If i can give you some constructive critism your wowhead rotation is quite confusing. I might just be bad AF. But cheers for the vids
I know this doesn't have anything to do with the video but how do you get the wings that come from his toon. isn't that a warlock thing?
On sire, would u recoutment useing "Hauting apparitions" if i take misery ?