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Patch 10.2.6 is finally here! The veil will be lifted on March 19th, so we’ll get to see what this secret patch is all about. We also have some season 4 details, and 12 new hero talents to preview!
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Timestamps –
00:00 – Patch 10.2.6 is finally here & season 4 updates
00:41 – Patch 10.2.6 Release Date
02:14 – Season 4 Dungeon Changes
03:51 – Hearthstone Event Updated & Extended
05:55 – 12 New Hero Talents!
Become a YouTube member here –
Big Dungeon Changes in Season 4 –
HUGE Recent Class Changes –
Hero Talent Previews –
Excited for heroics to be hard again!
Oh, joy… another FOMO update…
The Hunter one is a pack a garbage…nice video though.
Great patch information, Kelani. Always look forward to your videos 🙂 very helpful
Thanks Kelani, best info channel.
Use your mount…while in combat…outdoors. Let’s not gloss over that detail.
So in theory you only need all M+ on 3-5 to get the mount reward as that's the equal option or that mount will be unobtainable for many like pvp mounts… knowing blizz they didnt fix this shit yet.
And "hero talents" stull ffing suck remove it and get something else in place. It's horrible as it ruins gameplay for my class.
With the gearing changes for dungeons, I wonder if we are going to have to farm all our current gear again for the new ilvl, or will they actually give a damn this time around and upgrade our dungeon gear retro? Not holding my breath, but would be nice to not have to re-farm the exact same items again just to increase to the new ilvl.
Rider of the apocalypse ❤ i mean srsly i can be mounted in combat ❤ plus the horsemen ❤
Really loathe the need to swap skills depending on how many targets… not fun. Also despise the crafting professions now I don’t touch them. Gathering ones are fine.
So reapers mark is just Death Mark for DK? thats kinda cool
Ive been so busy playing Helldivers 2, i forgot about this game.
So no trees for enha shaman well we are used to not to get love 😢
The game is a lot of fun and thank you for making this content. Came back into wow recently (about 5 months ago) climbed to 2.5k 3s as a bm hunter. This game is great and I think people are sheep and they all complain without reason.
This game is a job
why in the literal fuck are they not just starting season 4 when they release 10.2.6 like bro jesus christ
please frost dk rework
Like it alot more… having to deal with all the different ranges was annoying. Will be better almost turning them to raid style difficulties. Normal, heric, mythic…
Did you guys know that the government has been hiding money from us all, they owe us 6400 dollars and they are not telling us about it..
The game is soooo dull and boring season 3 just trash anyway then season 4 just a revamp of season one and 3 mythic dungeons are so long know one really wants to do them even on a good day they should just made new content and I don't see anything new to make many really spend time doing it and also making the dungeons hard so it's harder for ppl to do mythic is not a good idea I think it push more ppl out of the game then help
Survival hunter was already hanging on but dang it’s really over now
I've been a warrior main this entire expansion and looking at the hero talents bro rider of the apocalypse looks fun as hell compared to warrior.
Love the rogue talents
Anyone know if fated raids or Amirdrysil will drop updated legendary weapons?