Patch 10.2.7, WoW Remix: Pandaria, And Apparently Even More

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Today, we chat about all that’s going on in Warcraft! Mists of Pandaria Remix looks great, we’ve a host of datamined rewards, a full look at 10.2.7’s new additions, and more!
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47 thoughts on “Patch 10.2.7, WoW Remix: Pandaria, And Apparently Even More”

  1. MOP remix is fun. But I'm not sure it makes leveling any more fun than it is already. Amount of gem drops are ridiculous way too much. Level 30 and I've yet to see a new weapon drop or trinkets or rings. I don't know. Might not be for me. But to each there own.

  2. Instead of giving these very cool reverse versions of mounts why we still dont have racial mounts updated they are so out of date its ridiculous + same thing with many warlock and paladin mounts so outdated. We can get vicious mounts but those are unobtainable for majority of casual players which is a really shame

  3. Due to the release of WW in late summer/early fall Cata classic should be delayed unless there are really that many that will just never play retail again and classic is their only game.

  4. Plunderstorm was kinda pathetic on EU if you won a lot of games, you would get put into games with clearly cheating players using the same "lag hack" as in battlegrounds, but in Plunderstorm where you have to hit your target with aim, its almost impossible as people just teleport arround…

  5. this supposed 7 million subscribers as I once thought you were full of shit is now shown that you were full of shit, considering the plunderstorm numbers are not even close to the sub count, thats less then 10 percent of your made up 7 million subs, (which did I add that showed you were full of shit) only played one game each. Now we all know many people who played spammed it making your evaluation of subs a whole giant pile of fucking bull shit. Just putting it out there since some one needed to call you out of your cnn levels of fake news.

  6. I'm not understanding what is so special about this remix thing. I didn't play MoP and even I have already done just about every quest, dungeon and raid at this point. So why am I supposed to be doing it again?

  7. I don’t need this crap what I need is new race new class ok quit remaking stuff blizzard this isn’t what community needed and you know it! Who you foolin if plunder pirate was already waste of time then you guys pull this nonsense off

  8. They should do this with Chromie. 10-70 and this new way to level with every expansion you choose. New players can see old expansions, level up, and power up for up-to-date content. I hope this is the new leveling way.

  9. That "no paladin already in group" filter is a bit on the nose there, isn't it? :))
    Or is it showing like that because it's like "no <current_char_class> already in party" and it just happens that the logged in char was a pally? 🙂

  10. I will say forever, the loss of new dungeons during expansion can never be replaced by mythic Plus. And I love how every content creator has just laid down and died about the lack of new dungeons I just drool over anything about mythic Plus

  11. Personally hope they dont keep releasing classic xpacs. I feel it should stop at Cata. And they should use this new experimental thing with remix pandaria to just eventually update and revive the old xpacs content for the retail client, and slowly but surely do the same with all xpacs eventually. So they all get brought back to life and arent completely irrelevant or sporting things youll never be able to get through normal means like raid sets from Pandaria/mounts. I know you can take a max level and farm that stuff solo, but it'd be nice if going forward they wanted to make it a permanent thing to be able to level/raid and experience all these old xpacs in ways that also are adding things to the retail client and they can stop splitting their player base up even more with all these different versions.

    At most they should just release 1-2 mega legacy servers of all the xpacs they did for classic up to cata and then soley focus on just letting the classic xpacs do their thing with actual servers with a decent population and retail can keep updating/reviving its old stuff/making new stuff. That'd be the most logical to me, but it's obviously up to Blizzard.


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