Patch 11.1 New Hints On The PTR! Pandaria Classic Confirmed? | World Of Warcraft

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32 thoughts on “Patch 11.1 New Hints On The PTR! Pandaria Classic Confirmed? | World Of Warcraft”

  1. War within so far has been a huge win imo and the anniversary event coming soon looks great. The new hero talents are nice too if they keep tuning them. I like that they are changing a few abilities as passives to make a few classes on ptr feel more smooth with less pointless button bloat. I hope they do this for the shaman soon considering the shaman is so fun but the button bloat is a bit annoying. Most of these “utilities” can definitely be condensed although it may require some creativity.

  2. As a business strategy, Classic is lower budget and brings a cadence that keeps people with something “fresh” to do between base game or a switch from vanilla. It helps their product stack to keep you engaged and subscribed

  3. i cant begin to explain how incredibly fuckin stupid it would be if they released pandaria “classic” first of all it aint classic at all, but most importantly we jus had pandaria remix, instead they should jus do maybe a legion remix, wrath remix, somethin along those lines, pandaria remix was genuinely sum of the most fun i had in a minute, seein wildfire dots all over my screen flying around in a huge pull and raids actually lookin like RAIDS was fuckin awesome, content was easy and fun to do with all the new talents but jus the old content, then all the new mounts u can obtain FOR FREE and not store mounts, bein able to get transmogs for free, it was jus extremely easy and fun, i think legion remix sounds so perfect rn

  4. So…they just gonna go through all the expansions and call them classic? How stupid. Totally turning away from Classic WoW. Should have never even started it and left it alone.

  5. i have wanted pandaria classic since tbc was announced and yeah i spammed remix but i will still no life pandaria classic if it releases, i only played wow classic and no expansions because i didnt have too much interest but i've always said pandaria classic would be great and i would play

  6. As per classic what they should have done is carry on through the expansions as normal but all running on classic principles and workings.
    Literally Vanilla but in a new zone which would keep it 100% classic and separate from retails changes.

    As to the goblins/arathi the Crystal won't be above ground as they said they couldn't get home which is above ground.
    That said if they ignore that and put the crystal island above ground then it could possibly be the upper portion of Beledar?


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