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Is 9.1 being delayed or was this the plan all along? Dataminers uncovered an encrypted 9.0.5 build just hours ago, so let’s discuss what this means for Shadowlands and what we might see.
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#warcraft #shadowlands #9.0.5
No one is going pay money to watch blzCon on a YouTube stream lol cons are dead
There will still be an anima drought though won't there? All souls are still flowing into the Maw, so their anima is trapped within the Maw. Perhaps we find a way to siphon anima out of the Maw to the respective realms?
Lemming like loyalty, love it
Im not ready for 9.1, I only have one alt that can raid. We need some account wide help in the Maw, grinding multiple toons in the maw, well, in not.
Thanks for the news! Good to hear you a happy lemming about it all!
PLS bring 9.1. _.
Feel so burned out by 9.0 already 😂
Nice video 🙂
it would be really good if they made legion raids soloable
Zul'Dos Da Other Side Troll raid mon
Soul is the most handsome wow personality or what!!!
If more allied races come we need more AZEROTHIANS not the fucking covenants Quillboars, Gnolls, Vry'kul, Ogres, Tuskars, Nagas, Sauroks. Not fucking Night fae, Kyrian (Just blue humans), Venthyr (Literally the Nightborne allied race with grey skin), and Necrolords (They are just forsaken in armor….)
I'm enjoying the patch and im glad I have more time to explore my alts and such
isnt the main reason for the anima droubt because souls arent being sent to there proper homes but instead straight to the maw? like soul in bastion on there way to ascended give anima to the zone(and because there is no new soul zones cant thrive like prior?) while yes Denathrius was hording anima its all red anima so its mainly anima from revendreth not from all over shadowlands or we would see anima from other zones being siphoned in somewhere.
most of your "ideas" might seem cool but they are way too far out there. IF we are geting an 0.5 patch its because they need to delay the next major content/raid patch. theres no way we would want another thrown together halfass raid too carry us through to the patch, same with a dungeon. unles they already had a new dungeon planned for 9.1 thats already ready to go and it wouldnt hurt to release early.
As far as geting the Covs as races thats also a no go, it wouldnt make sense for them to join sides with alliance or horde in anyway
No content, not a fan of twitch but all I can say is 'kekw' as those kids say.
A 0.5 to delay a .1 with content that you suggested is kinda counter productive, making filler content to give them more time for the next content is diminishing returns. Nice ideas though.
IS THERE A BABY ON THE WAY thats made me laugh so hard i hit sub. U got me with that
Clearly the raid will be Naxx 3.0
Would be nice if the 9.0.5 patch would be an update for the Lunar New Year and Love Is In The Air holidays. The LNY holiday has been exactly the same since I started playing twelve years ago and Love / Air holiday could use an update since the changes in Cata.
Pvers bitching about gearing makes me smile. One day blizzard will get it right and you pvers and us pvpers will both have equally good gearing system lol
What addon is he using for his damage numbers?
Covenant "denizens" should never become an allied race imo. They are part of the afterlife and that's were they belong. Let's not mix them with the current races just to give ppl race options
So what's on the thumbnail?
Done? I just discovered how to make 10,000 – 12,000 gold per hour. In two months I'll have enough gold to pay for WoW for two years.
Ofc I grown bored of 9.0 fast too much play not enough rewards
IF only they had the nerves to fix 2 handed frost dk geez its really getting bad to play the darn spec
The game is so big right now that you can just do time walking stuff to add more content.
As long as they bring back tier sets for 9.1, I don't mind waiting…
To fix anima drought one or more genocides required on Azeroth or somewhere.
Let’s hope they fix the scaling in legion and bfa
For me the season is far from over, why this rush? It’s been 3 months 😂
I just hope they do something significant for underperforming classes. Over the past 15 years, the one thing WoW has been known for is if your class is garbage at the start of an expansion it will remain garbage until the next one. It's looking like shadowlands is going to be a skip for me at this rate.
Bring Silvermoon out of 2007!
A Blood Elf Mage can dream…..
Was there ever a Patch x.0.5? I don't recall.
Last couple xpacs I burnt out first patch trying to keep up and dropped out of the game, especially since it was too far gone everytime I tried to get back in.
This time I rose some alts trying the covenants and zones then moving forward with my favorite, so this is swell for me.
This has been planned just like Trial of Valor was a mini raid before the big nighthold raid came out. Most likely their will be a quest line that we have to do every week when 9.0.5 is released and we'll do it every week until 9.1 comes out.
or just increase the gear drop chance, 3 weeks of raiding and only got conduits and anima
Dang! All the graveyards are light-years away, time-consuming for nerfed toons!
What addon is that that tracks holy power?
What addon is that that tracks holy power?
Glad I didn't buy the 6-months subscription. If the next patch isn't 9.1 I'm out.
Where did you get the wow orc and human statue in the back? They look cool
Yeah a mega dungeon like return to kaz (legion) would be cool
We have 6 weeks till we are max renown so we’re getting some patch. A 9.0.5 or 9.1
I dub thee "Sydlvanduin"
I might have been clickbaited here. I’m not saying these news could wait, but still…
I'd honestly be fine with a long 9.0, I have been primarily PvPing and haven't gotten around to doing any of the PvE content really
Great points!
Would be cool to find more in the maw and set a foothold to find Arthas and save his soul and reclaim his standing in wow and have him 1v1 Uther like He did with illidan in the burning crusade! Yes plz!!