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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.0.5 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
0:39 New Gear And Gem “Tier” Sets
4:17 Torghast Updates
5:32 Sockets For Soul Cinders
6:35 Soulbinds Updates
7:23 Rogue Unique Daggers
Erster 🙂
Great Vid, ty for this
3:56 "what if the gems are overpowered?"
You know blizzard always balances everything around 1-5%….. Hahahahah
love that Blizzard just keeps adding systems ontop of systems and spends 80% of development time on Balancing their new shiny systems and then throws them out. This is why there is no time to develop new bgs, more than 1 extra dungeon after the start of the Expansion, and why the open world sucks ass because they spend all their time trying to balance the problems they create.
So glad I stopped playing wow. I do really hope they will learn from their mistakes, but clearly they will never
Swords of legends will be coming out soon for the West. Hopefully that will learn from WoWs, ESOs, BDO and the others mistakes
Literally 99% won’t see this but God Bless You and be safe during these times I’m struggling to hit 1k😪
which curia is the best for the rogue in 9.1? for myths and bands
They should make an affix that is really infrequent. So maybe once every couple months. Where the current tier’s big bad casts a fog to hide the mobs in the dungeon from view. Additionally, the mobs are slightly randomized. To perhaps in HoA there could be a run where you have 4huntmasters and a gargon and a gargoyle. Obviously it shouldnt ever have say “Only gargoyles so we need venthyrs and have to slow pull so we can maximize having a gargoyle always” or whatever. And then the tornado affix if coupled can disperse the fog while up. Volcanic could make the visibility lower (spewing ashes into the air). Not necessarily this idea and it would need development. But affixes with this thought process would make the game better than “Boss gets 300% more hp. Ground sometimes aoes you”
so its azshara again haha. at least this time would have good ilv and not someting that i never equiped on my main because i had items whit +20 ilv and never knew those were way better