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There are actually people rejoicing that players are quitting World of Warcraft Shadowlands and it baffles me.
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I didnt watched your videos for about 2 months, is this all becuse of sexualy harrasing employess by Blizzard or if it is accualy a bad game?
I initially stopped because I was frustrated with the weekly and daily chores, including choreghast, and the initially small rewards from raids.
With all the recent stuff going on, made me just go "No, I just can't."
I have 16 years of reasons to want the game to succeed. Im not oblivious to the issues the game has, but i play most aspects of the game sooo the issues dont seem as bad. I dont like how they did this, so i do this thing i do like. I like torghast, but dont think it should be how you get your legendary.. although, since i dont mind doing it.. it doesn't bother me as much as it would someone else.
I blame that on the maw alone. It turn into meaningless zone just for people to waste time there with soon to be meaningless currency. Instead of give player freedom of how to play. Also when player found tactic like not finish quest to keep op buff in order to run the maw fast and smoother. blizzard suddenly hotfix those option as it reduce "play time" which will somehow use as a consider if the game success or not which is so dumb
This reminds me of the downfall of UO. First the PVE players started quitting in mass, then PvP players quit, which only left the griefers and the more toxic elements. When Origin tried to save the game by doing the Trammel split, the vocal minority(the griefers) claimed the change would kill the game, not realizing the game was already dead.
Blizzard literally did only make changes because they were losing players. They proved it was literally as easy as flicking a switch to listen to their playerbase and because they proved it, the community knows they've been yanked for years and years about "NO IT'S OUR DESIGN WE CAN'T JUST CHANGE IT ON A WHIM LIKE THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" and they cave minutes after losing money.
This was never about keeping their players around. It was always about money.
It's weird how you don't see this issue when you do see why FF14 is killing it right now.
Just because some people enjoy the game doesnt mean that those people agree with what has happened in blizzard. Some people just want to enjoy a game they love without other people talking shit about it every 5 seconds! If people dont find the game interesting anymore, just quit and move on. No need to keep hating. Let the players who still enjoy the game, enjoy the game.
I was kicked out of a Heroic Dungeon with my just dinged lvl 60 priest, because i had low dps. 😀 Like, do they not know that most people run heroics to get gear and get into LFR, Mythics eventually? There were no wipes or nothing, just after first boss, they kicked me without saying anything. It indeed makes the gearing process feel very sour, since you just need to exist and toxicity will be directed at you. I can see how this will make many new-players or even existing casual players quit. Like in LFR raids, it is still common to kick all low ilvl/dps newbies to get bosses down. Even my own guild at SOCIAL-RAID kicks newbies who are still trying to learn mechanics at Sylvanas hc to get kill faster for their alts. They allowed 2 wipes for the newbies to learn all mechanics and then kick.
i'm RARELY fair to blizzard…players whined hard to get 25 daily quest limit increased or removed in MOP
– doing dailies in TBC, WOTLK, and CATA for mounts, reps, achieves, tmogs, etc, robbed MOP dailies.
– after limit was removed, players whined about the amount of dailies in MOP, being behind, alts, etc
– Blizzard added the zandalari elites that dropped rep tokens, mounts
not everything the players have asked for has helped the game. many of players requests over the years has damaged the game, players and influencers…forget, wear rose colored glasses blaming blizzard.
Never met anyone who is toxic in wow just a heads up maybe people who are bad at game are getting a bit friendly banter on how to improve but that person takes it the wrong way so now that person is toxic 😂
if 9.3 turned out to be good then i might sub again, 1 month though through game time thing. but i have low expectations since by the time 9.2 pops i'll be at FF14 levelling all my classes
I miss Blizzard the gaming company , now with Activision its a company that makes games . I hope that a new expansion is able to breathe life back into the game i fell in love with. August this year is the first time i have dropped my sub in 15 years . I would love to see the story told fully in the game , cause i refuse to buy lore books , i think that cash grab is dumb . I also wish they would do away with addons in raids and dungeons , I've seen many people just eat damage cause they wanted to be that much higher on the details meter , and my idea of fun is not doing daily chores to the point of wow being a job to get that much more ahead for prog runs. When i left in August i had 20 max level toons all with at least mythic 0 gear minus my main in full denomination gear . All had a leggo . I think blizz's choices were bad , if 9.1.5 game changes had come in 9.1 i believe the game would be ok , not great but ok. The leggo remake was a shit show and could have been handled better. I just got tired of the bs
So we should be thankful for removing half of dick from our salad ?
This is probably their thought process. They dont like Asmongold, because he shit talks Blizzard and WoW. Asmongold goes to final fantasy and people follow him. They see this and start putting faux pieces together that everyone that leaves are like Asmongold. What losers. Lol.
The people so high on copium that see nothing at all wrong with Bobby or Blizzard right now would fit in perfectly with the church of Scientology.
-fall in line
-dont ask questions
-clean up the body when your leader Bobby walks out of the room
-pay your monthly fee
-tell other people their wrong and need to join the wow cult to be saved
-hurass anyone that leaves the wow cult for another mmo for years after they left
-huff enough copium to still think FF14/GW2 players are furries while you play on your worgan/tauren/vulpera with your friends on moongaurd
This is Bobby's way!!!!!
"If blizzard kicked a puppy, they would blame the puppy"
…I blame you for the pain this soda has caused by exiting my nose.
love that analogy.
If the present expacs and devs weren't garbage people would still play. The horrible shit that Management has done would probably be ignored if the game was still good.
IMO the lore has been broken beyond repair. I don't see a way they can come back from the mistakes, and just bad storytelling.
If people think that the toxic players have left they're on something stronger than copium. The toxic people, the people who are OK with white supremacy, rape, and sexual harassment, are the only ones still playing wow. And I'm glad I'm not playing a game with these assholes.
You reward good behavior when it's timely and honest, not when it's a reaction to people dumping you on your ass. Blizzard gets zero credit for going into panic mode and trying to get people back with a bunch of changes that should have happened years ago. If they continue to be good, that's a different story, but we'll see how it goes.
I really don't care if they whip and beat employees.
I quit because the game sucks.
No, you don't praise this because this is a repeated pattern of behavior. They ignore community and player feedback in the betas and PTRs, leaving problems and bugs in the game. They ignore the community and player feedback through the patch cycle until either the player base crashes or they need to build excitement and good will for the next expansion. Only then do they fix issues. This happened in Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and now in Shadowlands. This is not behavior to be praised. You don't congratulate the farmhand fir fixing the fence you e been telling them to fix for months when they do it AFTER the animals have escaped.
I am happy to see people leave WoW. I am happy that wow is dying and I want to see it die.
You done covering wow then?
Quitting*…. Oh sorry, did I really just do that? Apologies…