Players may be cheated out of Warcraft Valorstones

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Players may be cheated out of Warcraft Valorstones #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


33 thoughts on “Players may be cheated out of Warcraft Valorstones”

  1. Your wrong…. The whole point of a "main" is that it's the char you put the most time into. It SHOULD be better geared than alts. The currency will get converted to gold in the next season

  2. I think the whole upgrading system is lame as a whole. Why can’t my heroic raid pieces just be at a static item level based on which bosses drop them. The bosses closer to the end always drop higher ilvl gear. But that’s just me. This system is still better than the warforged/thunderforged/titanforged stuff they had previously.

  3. Blizzard is definitely holding onto some very old ideology. Players that are going to quit because “they’ve done everything and they’re bored” are going to quit regardless if valorstones are soul bound or warbound

  4. So I just spam the dungeons and quit anyway when I feel like it. Doesn’t matter to me…. If anything if I had free time I’d try mythic raiding or gold farming but instead I’m farming valor stones in m3 on my 620 prot warrior 🤷🤷

  5. I think all currencies should be warbound. I also think all armour types should be unlocked in transmog.
    They let you collect everything on one character now so why not just let you mog anything. Maybe not class tier sets in the current expansion or maybe not tier sets at all.

  6. I’m about to leave the game because my mains main spec sucks and I’m not exactly into my off specs. They should absolutely make gearing alts smoother for this reason alone. I’m 620 Hpal struggling for invites Bcus am not RSham.

  7. I remember back in wrath when icc came out and the dungeons use to give frost emblems that you can get icc 10 gear from. At first it was great I could get caught up with the rest of my guild for icc 10 and my alts could quickly get geared up for that raid. So with in a couple weeks I had 11 alts ready for icc10 . the down side I could only see was I spent 10 hours a day everyday for 2weeks . As far as the stones I kinda see them like that maybe they want to slowly gear up players.

  8. Funny enough, they dont learn, if some of you all remember SoD, we stayed at lvl 25 for long time and the cities, map and land was filled to the brim 24/7, me personally i played the 3 months non stop haha


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