PLAYING AS A BARD in WoW! | Duskhaven Vanilla+ | World of Warcraft

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we’re going to check out the BARD CLASS for the very first time on Duskhaven!

I’m going to be playing the Bard on Duskhaven, basically beta testing it on the live servers for the entire month, and we’re going to be giving feedback and trying to make this class something truly special. In this video I play it for the very first time as one of only a handful of possible testers and I’m going to show you everything it has to offer.

A few things were buffed towards the end of the video but I can already say that as of this upload, all of them are fixed/changed, so I’ll show you guys what it ends up looking like in the next video.

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28 thoughts on “PLAYING AS A BARD in WoW! | Duskhaven Vanilla+ | World of Warcraft”

  1. The song for the bard is mostly using trough its abilities is fun fact: The Bard Song by The Blind Guardian, Its a cover however, not sure if its something the dev made by them-self or picked from someone else. But its one good classic song and recommend to check it out!

  2. I think it would be cool to have a healer that somehow instead of hard casting heals, they would give everyone different buffs but then have some effect that would consume a buff to emergency heal or dot heal or some other effect that a hard cast spell might have been used for.

  3. How do you get Frontline Foritude for pvp? I'm melee + 14 talents in warrior tree + 13 in rouge (most my core is warrior tree tankyness) + dual wield + STR (even tried agility). I have cloth gear and playing Metamorphosis tank in PvP. Poeple who get it in PvP don't even know how they get it.

  4. Just the concept of this video makes me wanna download and play lord of the rings online…
    AH… To sit in bree as a hobbit bard with a lute, my e-piano on my lap playing concerning hobbits for random idiots who think I'm using a midi file.

  5. Cant recommend this server, this Noxx guy cant take suggestions or critics he has been actively deleting peoples post and has been banning people from Discord.
    I guess Duskhaven caters especially to Content Creators, i hope Duskhaven will find someone else that leads this server.

  6. I like what I'm seeing so far. I like the racial specific flavours of some classes tho i hope we get custom icons or something later down the line. The custom zones are also nice

  7. I have tried Duskheaven and for now custom classes feel junky. I wish if they would add 1 well made class not few unfinished. And powerlevel of some classes is extremly high during leveling, so it is super trivialized and boring. Machinegun oneshot everyting even of it is group quest monter.


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