Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 15

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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!

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47 thoughts on “Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 15”

  1. I recommend getting the Immersion addon, it's much better for quest text and such. 🙂 Also you might enjoy trying out the dynamic cam addon for a more immersive experience too.

  2. The color in the name of the gear/weapon also indicates their level.
    Gray – trash
    White – very common
    Green – Common
    Blue – Rare ( or Superior)
    Purple – Epic
    Orange – Legendary (Those are either special drops from bosses in raids or entire systems like we have in Shadowlands)

    This is my new favorite thing on youtube. Love watching you experience the game for the first time!

  3. BTW, if you go to Darnassus, the Night Elf capital, you can buy more cat mounts including armored ones. They are the racial mounts of Night Elves. The vendor is called Lelanai and can be found in the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus. You can't miss her, she's surrounded by cat mounts. It used to be that the unarmored mounts were slow and the armored ones fast, but now any mount just goes the highest speed you've learned.

    Edit: Lelanai can also be found by the Stormwind Embassy in the north of Stormwind.

  4. If you're wanting duels, most people who like to duel will hang around outside the main cities of Stormwind (for Alliance) or Orgrimmar (for Horde). Its sort of an unspoken… rule? habit? Idk what the right words is but people who like to duel hang out there all freaking day. What I'm getting at is randomly trying to duel people will 90% of the time be met with being ignored as most people who are out questing like to be left alone to do their own thing.
    Don't get me wrong, its super funny and entertaining seeing you try to duel random people and calling them "foolish elf or dwarf" but just be cautious with this sort of stuff, not everyone knows that you mean well and could misunderstand, become annoyed, and/or be offended

    Love your content! Subbed and liking has much as I can!

  5. Man loving the series but Im deeply saddened that you missed the opportunity to name your Turtle one of the only 5 acceptable turtle names….and if you still dont know what Im talking about I dont think we can be friends anymore!! XD

  6. When your pet is attacking multiple mobs, you don't need to wait until end of fight to heal him. You can throw a heal on him (mend pet) during your rotation to keep your pet topped up.

    Hunters are good at rounding up a few mobs, and then adding mend pet during their rotation so they can mow down a ton of mobs

  7. Tip for finding exact locations of most important npcs, talk to the guards of any city and you can specifically ask for directions to whatever you're looking for (auction house, banks, profession trainers, etc.) after picking what you're trying to find, it will place a waypoint on your minimap/map to the location with a flag icon

  8. As a WoW veteran (since TBC) i find this really entertaining seeing new players learning about the game,gives me so much nostalgia and memories of myself being scrub back then 😀 good luck man,hope you like wow and keep playing it.

  9. I can't wait for you too try pet battles, pet battle dungeons, learn trades, use the Auction House, get in a real guild, get into a raid group… mate, classic! Please record classic when you play it. It's simpler in some ways but more community based I think. It's my first love, and my current tbh. Love your content, simply addicted to it like I am the game.

  10. Blizzard itself should watch this series. So many entry barriers for new players, he was not even told how to leave the dungeon group. Dozens of little things to optimise in this game

  11. Regarding the map "problem", to be totally fair the game is about exploring. And since you helped set up the portal room when you got to Boralus, most people would probably remember it. But again, explore! Look around~ although it would be nice with some minimap portal icons to help out. But also you don't even need to use a portal. You can just take the boat back as well! It comes and goes in the harbor~ (its the big boat)

  12. In a spare moment, locate and open the in game Calendar. WOW runs special annual events throughout the year. These events reflect our real world holidays and other occasions that match the flavor of Azeroth herself. I think you will enjoy them enormously. The year begins with a Lunar Festival (very druid oriented), Love is in the Air is something of a Valentine's Day. We have an October Fest at Iron Forge. During Wow's Halloween you get to ride a broomstick and kill the Headless Horseman and if you're lucky you win his horse. Winter Veil occurs during Christmas Time when you get to fly around in a reindeer sleigh and open presents from Father Winter.

    I mention this because near the first of every month is a week of DMF (Darkmoon Faire). That you absolutely must go to see at least once. DMF is a carnival with a mystic atmosphere. You can ride a roller coaster, a carousel, and get shot out of a cannon. There is a ring toss game, and whack-a-mole and vendors who sell novelty items. There are quick and easy quests that reward points in every skill and profession. You can get a buff that gives you 10% XP and reputation gain for its duration. You can also buy some heirloom gear that levels up automatically as your toon levels.

  13. Lol, he's just the type of player I hope I don't encounter in my travels. Just leave me alone, lol.

    You have the "beast lore" skill to look at beasts to see what their attributes are and decide if you want to tame them.


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