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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!
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#worldofwarcraft #letsplay #wow
THX to the good soul they gift him DF
Soul Cleave costs 30 Fury. DH resource is opposite the way hunter works. Whereas Focus starts full and is always regenerating, Fury starts empty and slowly decays. You have to generate it first.
I would recommend playing the Havoc spec : )
DH has to generate fury with your "one" which you spend on "two" aswell as your "f1"
Havoc is better as a new demon hunter, you can always switch back later on
Havoc is more fun
"i feel Like i havent earned it" ( comment to the mount) He already discovered one reason people dont care for store mounts. But honestly dont worry ride what you like
Yaay, demon hunter time! :3
You even met someone and have fun together, at all? I didnt see anyone.
Back then, it was game, where you make friends, where you need friends.
WoW in horrible state. It not supposed to be singleplayer.
😂 I swear I am going to throw my pc if u are trying to duel another person lmao
Are you now back on 2 uploads per day?
Hey Omar something you might want to check out: New in the dragonflight UI Under options-combat is "Enable Action Targeting". This will automatically target stuff nearby that you are facing and get rid of that annoying "I need a target". Seems like the sort of thing that would fit your playstyle.
Get Immersion add on! Its amazing!
Vengeng dh is a tank, kills slower, seldom dies has mitigation, crowd control aoe and single target damage. I you like it on nov 15 you can make and play drakthir evoker to level 60 start area, their glide is better but similar to dh glide
Try leveling in Havoc(dps).
The demon hunter tank spec isn't good for leveling, it's slower and more clunky. Plus, sometimes it's actually easier to die because it doesnt start TANKING until higher levels
So a little explanation why your "2" sometimes dont work.
There a essentially 3 diffrent kinds of classes in WoW.
Some who have a fast generating energy bar, some who have to generate energy and then spend the energy and lastly some who have inifinite energy and just have to ajust cooldowns.
There are some special cases where classes have a second resource to use abilities, for example death knights have a rune system, who pretty much works like the hunter focus generation and in adition they have a resource bar like your demon hunter now, where they have to build up some sort of energy to spend it then into other abilities.
So your demon hunter is a builder and spender. (Both speccs Havoc and your current specc vengance). So in vengance you build up Fury to spend it then on Soul Cleave or Fel Devastation. as long as the spell is like blury darkish, you have not enough resources to press that button.
Another thing in wow is your role. There is Tank, DPS and Healer – you are currently specced into Vengance, which is a tank specc, Havoc is the dps specc for Demon hunter.
Tanks will just run infront and pull the mobs. Just in case you want to play dungeons as Vengance, you probably should ask for the way 🙂 And Vengance will do less damage then havoc, but you dont take as much damage.
Havoc demon hunters can get 2 charges of their dash ability and a sick backflip that launches you into the air, it's really fun to combo them while you're gliding with the wings to travel long distances fast
The DH lets play should be a different series Omario … just an ideea. 😀
But damn, cant wait for you to upload BM videos with the new UI, I freakin LOVE IT.
Sorry but you would be way better off playing havoc spec… I was looking forward to your reaction to eye beam
World of Warcraft 18th anniversary starts today there's going to be world bosses maybe more make sure you participate
Yes some legion gameplay!🎉
I'd love to see you play Havoc instead of Vengeance. Also – wiill you return to posting 2 episodes per day? 1 is not enough! 😛
I almost had a stroke watching you try to use your 2 Button and you even tried it on the Imp mother but were out of range and switched back two 1…. I got sooo frustrated dude… xDDD
The game is best enjoyed without addons tbh.
They really under-tuned the enemies in this Demon Hunter introduction questline.
Since you have complete dragonflight expac you should check flying trainer too see if you can buy flying for previous expac so that you don't have to do pathfinder.
Unlike in BFA ⭐ enemies in legion are worth doing cuz they drop way better loot. These ⭐ enemies in Demon Hunter started area in particular are very Demon Hunter thematic your really missing out.
You should play Legion after this. 😉
Storytime and Immersion are two different addons. They both change the quest frame stuff so it looks different, though.
If you rather want to play with the abilities you had at the beginning instead of these new ones, you should respec into the DPS specialization instead of the tanking one.
If you choose to sacrifice yourself at 12:05, you will had a special event about the demons and their conection with the void.
Episode 5 where you explore Stormwind is still my favorite episode so far. Please upload your reactions to other race-specific areas and other main cities if you can. They are so awesome and unique and different. I remember being stunned by them when I first played. See, in earlier versions, all characters start from the earliest expansion and progress into later expansions. Only since Shadowland beginners are born in tutorial island and then led to BFA. Imagine a level 50 night elf champion hasn't been to Darnassus, or even doesn't know what Darnassus is. Check out your hometown man, it's so beautiful and lovely and it tells a lot about your own race. And most importanly upload your reactions! (I do hate that you're doing another character off-recording, that means we're missing a whole lot of reactions to a lot of things, hopefully you haven't been to any main cities yet except Stormwind.)
Pressing 1 builds 'fury' which is your mana-like resource below your HP bar, and pressing 2 spends it. Generally you want to build to full and then spend although if you download an addon called Hekili it will help you with your rotation and which buttons to press in what order. It really helps when learning a new class and/or spec.
Love you, watched all your videos
I would't reserve all of my horde play to Classic. The Horde experience in BfA is completely different, and the Zandalar region is stunning. I'm pretty sure most of the more recent expansions have a totally different experience for horde, but I haven't played anything but Alliance in the last few years, aside from my new horde character in BfA.
The action bars on the right can be made horizontal and moved anwhere, so you can add them to the bottom. I've got all my bars open and arranged on the bottom, but I'm also playin on an ultra-wide. Scaling them smaller helps with the space issues.
Yes, please add "Immersive" addon as well as "Immersive Extra Fade"
Do you usually stream this over Twitch before putting on YouTube or how do you do this?
Some ground target abilities can be macroed ti be cast, /cast [@target], /cast [@player], or /cast [@pet]. This will make them a single click ability.
For your hunter playthrough (and also for this one when you finish the demon hunter starting zone) please don't use that BtWQuests addon. Your videos were much better before you had the mindset of "do as little quests as possible/only do "main" quests." Plus, you've encountered much more confusion trying to only do the "necessary" quests than you did before. For instance, in episode 50 you were confused by the war campaign quests in Zuldazar not sending you to the other quest hub. They would have if you would've done all the war campaign quests instead of just ignoring two of them. It'll be much more enjoyable and much simpler if you just do all the quests without skipping any. And didn't you say at one point that you normally consider yourself a completionist and that you like to do every quest in games like the witcher 3? What happened to that attitude?
And as other comments have pointed out, your "2" ability is a fury spender. You have to first build up fury by using your other abilities and by collecting soul fragments to have enough fury to be able to use it. Demon Hunters work a bit differently from Hunters. For hunters, their resource (focus) builds up slowly. While for demon hunters, their resource (fury) depletes slowly. So an out-of-combat hunter will have 100 focus, and an out-of-combat demon hunter will have 0 fury. Honestly if you just read the text on your abilities you won't be confused about them lol. By the way I do enjoy your videos despite my criticisms.
I went through the entire DH starting zone and never realized that I could do that jump twice and fly thing. I’m just leveling too.
Is there no eppisode where u create this character ? I feel like i missed something between 50 and 51
U might wanna react to a wow story sumary video at some point maybe after u play warcraft 3 so u understand some of the main conflicts and characters if u plan to play df. Because theres raids and other stuff that u will never be able to experience and see. Plus alot of lore its in irl books too
whyd ya choose alliance again lol