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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!
#warcraft #thewarwithin
the rewards seems very lacking, which is nice that I dont have to do any of this time
Should have given us new map.
short and simple. gotta like the video! ty mon!
Getting the two new mounts thats it lol
I only want a handful of new small mogs, so hopefully I won't have to do much; PVP makes me very stressed haha
Been fun so far but i see some issuse with latency and some abilities feel a bit under and over tuned like fire storm
Not going to do it. More crap from Blizzard.
Fyi: To buy all stuff, it efforts around 47k coins
I didn't think it actually started yet because I couldnt see it anywhere. Now I know it's hidden on the bar. Seems like a bad place to put it. But whatever it's blizzard.
I did quite a but if PVP battle grounds back in the day. But haven't done any since coming back to the game. The way this works makes it pretty much meaningless to me. As far as I can tell the only rewards are transmogs and, like, a single mount? Definitely not worth all the bugs and downtime I have had to put up with the last couple days.
Plunderfail 2.0
Love this new version since your not grinding levels to unlock rewards. Just run around getting as much plunder as you can to spend in the store before embracing the storm or another player stops you.
This game mode is garbage, glad I dont have to spend days being farmed by pvp try hards to get stuff
I'm playing a few matches a day
I was hoping this would be more like the previous islands where we could use our own characters instead of new ones with new spells/skills.
I'm kinda amazed how quickly you can get enough plunder for big items. Makes me wonder how long this game mode will really be active among the playerbase.
All the complaints πππ Battle Royale games aren't for everyone but the complaints? All ππ© from the haters.π In a few hours of queuing Plunderstorm I have almost everything except the pets and the shovel. I don't even PvP like that but I doesn't matter because it isn't WoW PvP gameplay like some are suggesting. The rewards are π₯π₯π₯ this time, it's much EASIER to get the rewards and they even have all the old stuff (which would only take me another session to get the rewards (2 days) and I'm back to grinding time ways. These complaints aren't valid and the reality is your being HEAVILY rewarded for basically trying out a game a few times even if you don't want everything there is to offer. My 1st session sucked 500+ plunder but you can buy tmog rewards for 250 each? Too easy. I don't get ppl stressed over PvP dying, when the pve ai kills you in dungeons & raids ppl aren't. Change your perception and "PvP" game mode is no sweat. Anyways loved Plunderstorm and can't wait for the next one β€οΈππΎππΎ
what happened to the titles from the previous version? are they also available in the plunderstore?
Instead of making distraction games, why don't they fix the current version from all the bugs and bots, I'm sick of it and quitting after playing it sense 2006 sadly, had enough, they destroyed professions and the gathering professions are crap now so what's the point in playing anymore?
Vastly underselling how many trolls are playing this right now. More than half my games are some asshole wanting to kill me within the first minute of a match and either way, ends up wasting my time from running, dying, or having to kill them because they just won't piss off. I don't play BR games for a reason: PvPvE is garbage. Never mix the two. I'm extremely happy with how quick you can obtain rewards because the moment I click that final purchase, I'm out.
These skills should be spells in the retail game too they're pretty cool
I love Celestial Barrage. Sniped two players who were already fighting each other from about 100 yards away for a double kill. I don't think they even knew I was there yet, and all that was left was that sweet sweet plunder. Couple it with Galefeather for area denial, and it's a good combo. Played for about an hour last night, got the new Pirate mog, two new weapons skins, and the new Parrot mount. I think that's my battle plan, just hop in for an hour or so, gather the plunder, get the rewards, then save it for another day.