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Ahoy, me hearties, the numbers are in!
We’ve got swashbuckling statistics from nearly a half million Plunderstorm matches
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Lol get Fortnite out of my WoW
No thanks
Cool. Now let's see the amount of active players after reaching 40 renown.
How about the number of players who ran into the storm to end it
the stats we deserve but dont need
Can you please fix Paladin and nerf ridiculous shaman Runes first in SoD please? thanks
We need this mode permanently
I'm going to miss Plunderstorm when it's over!
Give us more time, it's hard to get renown when you have to Raid, M+, Arena and work.
Buff my class oh em ge ^_^
Many of us died to the storm on purpose to get through this obnoxious event.
Let us play classes in Plunderstorm rather than random abilities
20 renown cap would have been enough!! 40 is tooooooo looooong!!
Make plunderstorm its own standalone game. Huge potential.
Whats the stats on players continuing to play after maxing out the rep?
Awesome game mode
How many people went completely insane?
I'm having fun with PS
Can we use plunderstorm dev time to instead impliment arena mmr inflation, proper healer incentives like exclusive mounts and transmogs, and more PVP rewards outside of the glad mount that only R1 players can attain thanks to deflation?
the most boring even ive ever tried, got 40 on the 2nd day and got out and never looked back
When is this ending?
renoun 40 and bye
These numbers seem exceptionally low to me.
Great idea, just not for me. Looking forward to the Remix of Pandaland.
"Please make it possible for people to connect to the world server (KR-US-TW)."
The only metric that matters is how many players played this mode.
Go f2p
Now do defense of the ale house already!
What an awful experience
Praise be the Storm Wall
Reg attacks probly due all the level 1 pvp
600k matches is really low.
Nah ..after renown 40 .im done and byeee ..boreeedd .

Stop taking down classic servers other than vanilla. Have realms for every expansion so people can play whatever era they prefer.
these cartoony animations are too cringe
kinda low number of matches…. If not FOMO, almost no1 would play it…
An amazing addition, pushing the limits what WoW can be!
Just pls Blizzard be more merciful though not overgenerous with the renown next time!
you can keep track of all these stats but not keep track of the bugs in retail get your priorities right blizztard
failed mobile game ported to wow to save it and give 'retail content' pathetic
How long does it take to reach renown 40?