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Beaches in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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The beaches south of Gadgetzan are the most aesthetic beaches in game.
Top 10 bitches when?
Unrelated to WoW beaches, but when Blizz put an NPC in the game named after you, did they reach out and mention it to you at all, or did you or someone else just come across you and that's how you found out. Just a passing curiosity.
love me some crendor every sunday morning amazing
Brother forgot Jaina the biggest Beach in the game
I am 4 minutes in and the word 'beach' has already lost all meaning to my ears
Beaches are fine 🔥
Darkshore beach is just your average pacific northwest beach
My favorite way to start the morning, coffee and Crendor!
That existential moment when you watch PS1/PS2 essays on video game beaches, wonder if Crendor has done any, you swore he has…. he hasnt yet
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No Tiragarde Sound? That zone is literally just beach (with pirates!)
Dragonblight's beach where Arthas burned his ships.
I see you play without anti-aliasing. WHY??
This really slapped me in the face with how beautiful the art in the game has become.
I have a framed poster of the Sen'jin beach.
Pointless Top 10 Shrubbery.
Senjin is defs #1 !
Make Azeroth Wavy Again!!
Can't believe the STV beaches didn't make it, those are some of the beachiest beaches in WoW imo
Lots of beaches to pick from. Glad you got Tanaris in but bummed Isle of Quel'Danas wasn't there. That one always stuck out to me and I remember going there all the time.
Hooray for more pointless top 10!
Hey wowcrendor, have you done top 10 vacation destinations?
Stranglethorn not on the list is WIIIIIIILD! I know it got an honorable mention, but nah dawg.
It should be, "Inside pointless things is treasure." Treasure, your subject, is singular. So you should use the singular 'is' instead of 'are.'
darkshore is my favorite just because the nostalgia. it's a little bit sad to see how it is, but also sweet to remember the time i've spend during vanilla.
wen Top 10 Bitches in World of Warcraft
i want to say the isle of thunder waves are because of the storm… might look weird no waves with a giant storm brewing above.