Pointless Top 10: Bears in World of Warcraft

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Pointless Top 10 returns as we take a look at my list of Bears in World of Warcraft
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49 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Bears in World of Warcraft”

  1. About the great bear spirit, that's clearly big bear hiding its industry secrets from us.
    What industry secrets, you ask?
    I don't know. They're very effective at hiding them

  2. BIG IMPORTANT. IRL in Asia there's a horrible industry of Bears who live their whole lives in tiny cages, having their bile tapped from their gall bladder for pointless snake oil. When released, they're known to kill their cubs and commit suicide in some cases. They actually look scarily close to the zombie Bear model after being rescued.
    Also blizzard made a world quest out of this ://///

  3. Another bearfact: blackpaw is the only bear Mount with the new bear model he is a rare that has a Chance to drop itself in the bfa darkshore
    I love bears in wow i tried to get all the best mounts and tried to tame the special ones.
    Ty for that unique list.

  4. Yes, yes yes! This is the god damn content I needed, very enjoyable 🙂 I will say tho that not having Arcturis (the hunter spirit beast bear) being mentioned is my only criticism

  5. 2:20 It felt so amazing doing this quest chain for the first time. I was in 5th grade, so like maybe 16 years ago? It felt so much like I was living/experience my own real life Brother Bear, transformation and all. It was such an epic moment.

  6. Fun fact about Ursangous (mentioned during Ashenvale bears quest) he's friendly to alliance, so the markings are either because it's a Druid or it's a Night Elf hunter's pet.
    There's another similar rare in Ashenvale, Darkslayer Mordenthal, A forsaken who is friendly to the Horde
    Not sure if there any other rares that are only available to specific factions or not but I always remember those 2 because I remember bumping into them on the faction that couldn't kill them all the time.

  7. Everything about the WoW of old was great.. Everything about current (post) WoD WoW is , for the most part rubbish.. But you wouldn't know that, wowcrendor, because you are a bootlick to a guy who pretty much destroyed much of what made Word of Warcraft epic adventure.. Now, thanks to the waste-of-skin Ion, the game became cash-up corporate cow, pay-to-win garbage..

  8. My favorite pointless bear is Bjarn in Dun Murough. I have fond memories of being a kid and watching my dad camp out for him to spawn, a decade and some change later and I have the same bear pet on my dark iron dwarf hunter. Bjarn is a good boy

  9. Killclaw the terrible deserves a spot. It's from Exile's Reach, not sure if this list came out before that. There's a pointless side quest to kill him that not part of the main tutorial. And I think his model s unique


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