Pointless Top 10: Kegs in World of Warcraft

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Kegs in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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44 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Kegs in World of Warcraft”

  1. The daily quest " I Need to Cask a Favor" involves clicking a cask outside the tavern in Karanos. Then you run real fast and you have 3 minutes to turn the cask into the Cooking Treainer in Ironforge, Fun little daily quest.

  2. I feel like Fu Zan the wanderer's companion deserves a mention, though the baseline appearance of the staff carries a tankard and an eastern alcohol vessel (not sure the name, looks like something you'd carry sake in though), the alt appearances all have a little keg hanging off it and its really cool. I mostly don't make a habit of using the artefact weapon appearances for mogging, but my brewmaster still rocks her heroic variant Fu Zan, mostly because I love how she holds it over the shoulder and wish that idle stance could be applied to other polearm/staff weapons, but the idea of lugging the keg around is fun too.

  3. A cask is used to contain non-pressurized drinks and are usually stored horizontally. Kegs are usually made from stainless steel and used to pressurized drinks such as carbonated beverages. They're usually stored upright.


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