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Quilboars in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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I started playing hearthstone this past year (worst possible timing) and 9 out of 10 times I see a quilboar I’m upset
When i first saw one of these guys 20 years ago, I wished it was a playable race.. and today.. i still wish that.. love these lil dudes
The Pointiest Pointless Top 10
Crendor just went from "How are they spreading vines?" to "So I get they're spreading vines" and then "Yea it makes sense that they would spread vines" and then back to "How are they spreading vines?" in four subsequent placements
I was waiting for Mangletooth to be #1!
Those buffs are super helpful. I would solo farm RFK on my Druid at 40 & RFD at 60 and some of those buffs were cheap easy ways to help me do something’s I wasn’t strong enough to do. And they were helpful for running RFK under leveled.
But more importantly he rides a raptor
God I would love to get a Necromancer class, I don't care that they are a mix of Warlock and a Death Knight; give me a Necromancer!
I need to level through these zones again.
Today I learned where bloodshards from HS battlegrounds come from.
I want saberon and saurok and centaurs as playable races please blizzard.
Must be from the stupid retail version for the dummies
Mangletooth's Rags to Riches story is pretty cool, but not as cool as the raptor.
I love you
Damn not played WoW for a few years, the new quilboar models are a massive downgrade.
You pronounced Agamaggan wrong! It's supposed to be pronounced uh-Gah-muh-gon.
Agamaggan doo doo doodoodoo
Agamaggan doo doo doo doo
(And the raptor.)
female quillboar being referred to in a masculine way? unintentional trans character lol
also i wish so bad that theyd add some unconventional playable races, i dont care if my character is attractive, i just want them to be fun :p
babe wakeup crendor posted!!
CRENDOR, doing anything fun for half a million subs?