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Snails in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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Thank you for your work and creativity! Your videos always bring joy and interesting ideas.🦅👑🎱
I got here so fast that I couldn't even think of a funny joke about how snails aren't fast.
Snails are neat
Haven’t watched yet but I’m guessing ToT trash snail is 1
Wow only 2 views in under a minute. Really fell off bro. Too much non non content on this channel now.
Winkle is probably a reference to periwinkle snails.
And my personal favorite snail is Serenade, the mount from Protoform Synthesis in Zereth Mortis
The world ma end in a nuclear war, but the snails will live forever.
Those are some cool future hermit crab homes.
Big slick not mentioned… uncool.
Had there been a top ten dogs?
I agree with your list. Also really sad that you can't hunter tame the amethyst softshell from Nazjatar. That one is super pretty but ZC did a great job giving us interesting snail variety!
If not mistaken, wasnt the snail race in legion based on the movie Turbo?
My man!
Darauf habe ich gewartet 🙂
Wowcrendor is the goat 🐐
this is the real lore we need
A shell of a good time.
Pointless Top 10 is probably one of my fave series on youtube and Crendor been feeding us well lately
Omg I've been waiting for this video for SO LONG I can't believe it's finally here! This is the best day of my life.
Lava and water snail remind me of Groudon and Kyogre 😆
Zoom's a handy pet to have, I use him in a few battles from time to time. The NPC has the goggles, but the battle pet also has a little checkered flag cuz he's the winner!
I haven’t watched the video yet but Slick and Zoom better be on this list
it is once again late at night, and here i lay confused of crendor's upload schedule
Cant remember if you've done this yet, but top 10 doors? Like interactable big doors
Now this is shell racing!
We need a pointless top 10 of npcs with names based on puns.
It's over water snail! Fire snail has the high ground!
Look at that S car go. eh heh heh heh.
You can cheese the zoom race by using the fragment of anger pet, or the gastropod shell toy to simply kill the other snails. Also I find it funny how the larger your character, the more efficiently you'll block the snails.
What about the VISCOUS gladiator snail? =P
Thank you Crendaddy
One of your best!
Funny how everything in nazjatar is somehow amphibian…
I'm glad that #2 was in here or I would've sent a letter to complain.
Imagine being a player character and seeing the two elemental snails fighting for dominance..
Is that how the Titans when Aman thul reached down and plucked the mighty yashrj out of azeroth like a weed
Gotta wonder though….if snails are so slow that it takes a nonstop movement for a week just to cover a distance of 1kms…how did they reach every corner of the world? Even Antarctica?
The presentation. You can't crack the code or the secret society of snails
So what's the difference between a slug & snail?
More people should respect these snails