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Pokimane and Mizkif reacts to ALL World of Warcraft Cinematics @pokimane @MizkifYT
Vanilla World of Warcraft
Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth
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Literaly EVERY FU***NG GF 27:46
Miz. Sucks. The mists cinematic was one of the best are you stoned!?
imagine disliking pandarens and legion
worst reaction ever 😀
Illidan: You. Are. Not. Prepared!
MizKif be like: Prepare me Daddy!
Noted : after Legion , Sylvanas proceed to become one of the worst character in the game
At 27:56 just leave this girl man, its not worth it.
Never have a girl who is obsessed with the smartphone.
i wished miz would talk less of a universe that hes doesnt know much of and over explain instead of letting her watch and enjoy the cinematics
shes a snob
miz is an NPC
Except kung fu pandas has been existing all the way back in warcraft 3
Mists of Pandaria was by far my favorite expansion. Shadowlands was by far the worst.
zero attention span andy
Naw f*k cata, wrath was the best. Cata was brought down by some mmo that most forget the name of.
miz telling poki that Alextrasza is the hottest thing in azeroth but shes in her dragon form and pokis face was hilarious
This shouldnt be the guy explaining to her, homie barely knows what he talking about
idk the HD shit doesnt hit as hard
this video is completely disrespectful to our world 🙁
Can Neanderthal forehead quit pausing the cinematics please
Poki ignoring my boy yasuo 😢
Imagine thinking MoP is bad
Oh she had a break from scamming her fans and being disrespectful toward them. Such a great person she is 🤭
oh god why miz is there
Actually 2005 corrupted blood plague would have been the covid of wow but with a higher death toll
miskif stopped caring about world of warcraft back in warcraft 3 when Pandaren were introduced?
they are girls that cant understand this cinematics, but in this react she is not that girl. -.-