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Join Kali taking us through the updated guide for Preservation Evoker, a fun but challenging healing spec in World of Warcraft dragonflight.
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► Credits
Kali –
Jamie PlebCentral – Creative Director
Connor Crewealexboy – Channel Manager & Editor
► Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:16 Class Changes
1:06 Mythic+ Talents
3:35 Mythic+ Rotation
6:40 Raid Talents
7:52 Raid Rotation
10:39 Pros
11:13 Cons
11:37 Play it?
Been curious to try this class so might check it out now
Good video!
TY Kalinka for the great Video
this actually explained where i fell short as a prevoker…… but i have switched to druid, so i will keep this in mind if i ever decide to dabble again 🙂
free tip; temporal anomally -> verdant (lifebind) -> Communion = quick 5 second immunity to group. any aoe spam ability from a M+ boss is non noticable. be it sbg 1st boss or hov 2nd. communion alone is pretty weak. but paired with lifebind its OP.
Thank you Kali for sharing your healer knowledge with all of us <3 Amazing video!
Wow, this guide is so good I feel I could heal in Method after this.
Can someone give me good macros for prev evoker? 🙂
Kali is the best, great video!
Kali you're throwing! (great guide wombat)
Glad to finally see myslef in this video 😎
Clearly explained prevoker, maybe i will give IT a try? 🤔 GL on the road
havoc dh here (hehexdl)
POG Kali guide EZ
whats the reasoning for being in the other formation ? and not staying in dragon form|?
Oh my gawd! Thanks Kali for this insane Guide! Finally Kjord can learn how to heal and not kill the entire group every time thanks for that!
Thank you Kali and method for this amazing guide video. I was very lost with my healing and now I’m topping the hps meters!
I like your UI, do you post it anywhere? Especially WA and Vuhdo?
I would love to see an advanced guide for comparing builds, playstyle etc 🙂
10/10 banger vid.
Amazing guide⭐
Great tip on the ta into verdant with emerald communion
Need ui Profile
Could you go through some of your addons?
a healing "guide" proceeds to inform what has changed, the what being the things you don't know in the first place, like, wtf dude? Give info on what things are, instead you are saying what has changed, well, if people knew about the abilities, they wouldn't have clicked on your video in the first place, god, how is it possible to be this dumb?
Ty so much!
How are you staying in visage form the whole time?
Very good video. However, you talk much too fast to easily understand.
How do you apply reversion to so many target at the same with just 1 gcd? I feel like im missing something huge. SOmetimes i see up 10 reversion applied at the same time . Can someone explain ?
am strugling understaning her :/
WTF is this Girl voice is making me mad somehow!! i cant understand here she talks so fast and eat alot of words WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Used to play all healer classes, preferring Holy Paladin, Preservation Evoker beats them all hands down in the fun department. Awesome fun in dungeon and raids. Acceptable damage for solo content too with a little patience.
Nice deep breath during quaking, I know dem feels 😂
good guide
Much better pace and clear pronunciation! Well done, thank you!
stats? plis
I wish you went more into Stasis useage and combos for it
What addon is she using for healing? BuhDo, Grid2, Healbot?…
Could someone tell me? 😀
I noticed your character didn't transform into a dragon when using some abilities that should trigger the transformation. How you did that?
girls play too bad…