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Shadowlands comes with a bunch of weekly activities. This video discusses which things you should prioritise above anything else, helping you get your weekly priorities straight and succeed in your World of Warcraft progress.
I talk about 6 things:
Intro: 0:00
1. Torghast: 0:37
2. Renown: 3:41
3. Legendary Powers: 5:35
4. Mythics: 7:20
5. Money: 12:03
6. Guilds: 14:44
Priorities for Week 2:
1) Torghast – you REALLY want to max out on soul ash every week, since this is where your legendaries comes from. There is nothing else to say here, you should try to complete your Torghast Layer 3 on ALL your characters since it will be hard to make up for it and people without legendaries will have rough time getting into M+ when it lands
A small tip here – if your class has a tank spec, solo clearing Layer 3 with a tank is a bit tedious but overall you will NEVER die unless you mess up too hard and every boss should be tank and spank.
I tried running it with a team of 5 but it was a disaster more often than not since monsters scale extremely hard with more players coming in. I would strongly advise against going with large parties unless you have a solid premade or your spec can’t solo Torghast at all.
2) Renown – you will get 3 renown this week if you do all your covenant stuff diligently. And you really should – though there is a catch up mechanic in place offering extra missions to the stragglers, you want to keep up with everyone else since renown gives you more soulbinds and more power.
It’s as simple as running a few errands and shouldn’t take too long so don’t hesitate!
3) Mythic 0 – you can do 8 runs total once more and keep your fingers crossed that good loot drops from them. I would recommend playing healer or tank and making your own groups for that since then you can pick and choose your teammates. Overall, M0 has been a really fun learning experience.
If you decide to create your own party, just make sure your players are communicative and can speak English – as I said, m0 is still about learning and if your teammates can’t communicate, it will be a really poor run overall for everyone involved.
You can also run heroics to fill in some blanks before raids come.
4) make money – legendary crafting will need you to get some sort of an income stream. A lot of other videos seem to recommend mining and herbalism but to be honest, I had most luck with skinning – if you can do large-ish pulls alone and skin a lot of mobs, you will make a ton of gold off that. Getting 150 skinning and running Tirna Scithe is also extremely profittable since you can skin a lot of the gorms for the rare leather. I had runs that would net me 10k gold sometimes.
5) Get your legendary powers. You need those to craft your legendaries. You will find them all in your adventure journal – plain and simple. Just check your journal, google the quest you need to do or go to wowhead and get moving.
It’s usually a good idea to figure out what best choice might be and really think it through, though. If you spend your soul ash, it seems to be a permanent process.
6) Find a guild. Castle nathria launches soon and if you want to raid, you will need to have a team to go alongside with. It’s easier with a group of people who have commited to playing together and it’s even better when there is a leader onboard who will take you through all the nooks and crannies. Take my word on this, you will need someone to lead you through.
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