Prot warrior and Resto shaman ready for instant invites #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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30 thoughts on “Prot warrior and Resto shaman ready for instant invites #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. 625 prot warrior here. Annoyed of the dps queues in m+ so I learned tanking and the game is soooo much easier. Instant queues to 10+, spots for raids and world content is brain dead. People want to be in your DMs to tank their keys. Just be a tank, it’s easy.

  2. Friend and I were always playing Warrior + Priest combo, alternating who's the tank/healer.

    Good times, guild/dungeon invites and every perk, loved it.

    We later rolled undead rogues and just started committing war crimes in Stormwind, it was beautiful 🤗

  3. Here’s how you should handle WoW. Log in Day one and level your class to max. Enjoy it.
    When the raid releases, if your class is doing incredibly low dps, uninstall until the next expansion and unsub.

    They’ve said many many times since MoP that they do not even try to balance anymore.
    The team picks a select few specs that are going to be the winners of the expansion and that’s it.


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