prot warrior is good if you wanna just be basic. but brewmaster is where its at when you use monk tech to pull off big pulls no other tank could ever do.
625 prot warrior here. Annoyed of the dps queues in m+ so I learned tanking and the game is soooo much easier. Instant queues to 10+, spots for raids and world content is brain dead. People want to be in your DMs to tank their keys. Just be a tank, it’s easy.
Here’s how you should handle WoW. Log in Day one and level your class to max. Enjoy it. When the raid releases, if your class is doing incredibly low dps, uninstall until the next expansion and unsub.
They’ve said many many times since MoP that they do not even try to balance anymore. The team picks a select few specs that are going to be the winners of the expansion and that’s it.
I gotta say nothing is funnier than a fat man dancing love it RIP
disc priest ftw
And then there's me the mistweaver monk waiting 2h to get into a key
Chainheal go brr
I never invite warriors to my 8s+
I miss plsying fury. Thanks forvruining the spec blizzard
Is this Vito and Meadow’s boyfriend?
prot warrior is good if you wanna just be basic. but brewmaster is where its at when you use monk tech to pull off big pulls no other tank could ever do.
meanwhile i quit because i cant find m+ grps and someone to make me my bis weapon.
For me it’s pallies ngl. They get the instant invite from me lmao
Yup that's me!
Questão: voltei ao jogo e estou confuso sobre como fazer o mythic plus
as a PROT warrior i second this notion. insta invites and i laugh at the declines
625 prot warrior here. Annoyed of the dps queues in m+ so I learned tanking and the game is soooo much easier. Instant queues to 10+, spots for raids and world content is brain dead. People want to be in your DMs to tank their keys. Just be a tank, it’s easy.
Your memes are bangers 😂
I’m a prot warrior and my buddy is resto shaman and the longest i have waited for a queue is 3 minutes. 😂😂😂
One or both of them are often deadweight combo 😂
And resto druid?
I had keystone master on my prot warrior before the first weekend
And from then on i told everyone how easy the content was… And how abysmally bad they are
Yup, that's exactly my shuffle as a resto shammy.
I like earth shield with rip tides a healing totem with my charge followed with shaman dps of chain lightning and lava burts spam
Friend and I were always playing Warrior + Priest combo, alternating who's the tank/healer.
Good times, guild/dungeon invites and every perk, loved it.
We later rolled undead rogues and just started committing war crimes in Stormwind, it was beautiful 🤗
Here’s how you should handle WoW. Log in Day one and level your class to max. Enjoy it.
When the raid releases, if your class is doing incredibly low dps, uninstall until the next expansion and unsub.
They’ve said many many times since MoP that they do not even try to balance anymore.
The team picks a select few specs that are going to be the winners of the expansion and that’s it.
That beat just hits right
Kinda wild ppl still playing wow
Where's this from and who are they?
I'm a bear bear and have several resto shammy friends, I feel like this is the much more superior combo
Prot warrior is wearing some sort of very heavy legendary armor. Troll shaman is looking so close to the character in wow.
Nice work!