Prot Warrior Legendary Thunderlord in WoW Shadowlands

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This video breaks down how good the prot warrior’s legendary Thunderlord in Shadowlands is. Thunderclap reduces the cooldown of Demoralising Shout by 3 seconds for every target hit by Thunderclap. Tell me that isn’t awesome!


7 thoughts on “Prot Warrior Legendary Thunderlord in WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Hi, can I just farm Ophyrion for this legendary? I'm Prot spec, but I got a fury legendary from somewhere else, I obviously don't want to use that to complete my legendary quest w The Runecarver, I'd like to use my BIS.

    Is it possible to just farm this guy on any difficulty? When I check his loot table it says "quest" what quest do I need exactly as WoWhead doesn't really give info on that for whatever reason.


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