Protection Paladin on the Shadowlands Beta // World of Warcraft

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Overview of the Protection Paladin spec and class changes on the Shadowlands beta for World of Warcraft!

0:00 Introduction
0:28 New abilities + baseline changes
10:58 Talent changes
19:47 Legendaries
27:28 Conduits
34:10 Kyrian covenant abilities
37:11 Venthyr covenant abilities
41:50 Necrolord covenant abilities
45:02 Night Fae covenant abilities
50:46 Spec review

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

#nubkeks #shadowlands #wow #beta


16 thoughts on “Protection Paladin on the Shadowlands Beta // World of Warcraft”

  1. I enjoyed in TBC when Retribution Paladin had a talent: Any target that has a judgement (basically anything they are swinging at) is 4% more likely to be critically hit. So it made clutch to have 1 Retribution in every raid. And this was 40man so 4% crit for like 28+ dpsers was worth more than another dps, so even if the Ret dps output was bad it was worth it. And Ret dps still wasn't great, but it was better than all of Vanilla. I could pull #1 in certain demon/undead boss fights with exorcism, so Ret dps in general wasn't awful just middling.
    The return of auras reminds me of this. You want a Paladin to cover what are essentially raid wide buffs.

  2. You're gonna notice the 3% dmg reduction from devotion aura is there? and you feel paladin have gotten so much love? give me a break.. while i appreciate the video. i feel like you've intentionally ignored all the negative with the class for SL, but i cannot figure out your angle.

  3. I’m finding on PTR that without good Grand Crusader or Divine Purpose procs, SotR has very poor uptime, around 75% on targets above 20% health. Though, I think the necrolord ability can fill some of those gaps for sure, as well as the back to back proccing Avengers Shield Legendary to provide a lot more holy power.

  4. I love your videos and thanks for what your doin for all of us.. I need ur advice I want to tank this expansion what should I go like the best one for both M+ and raids? I want to go Prot warrior but u said Prot warrior have no aoe damage, that’s sad ;( so I need ur advice

  5. Moment of glory – Its for the raid bosses man.. for the raid bosses, u can stack the armor buff 3 times like that and potencialy high M+ keys because the absorb will get less useful compared to the flat dmg reduce u will get from armor in +15 keys and above, also lets not forget tyranical weeks


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