Protection Warrior Guide PART 2 | Shadowlands 9.0.5

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Check out the first part of the guide:
This Guide uses the Reprisal Legendary.

Hey Guys! This video was created to talk about the Major discussion going on right now regarding Protection Warrior Talents + Rotation. I want to stress that this video is MY PERSONAL Findings and what I have experienced through my M+ journey. The beauty of Protection warrior in 9.0.5 is that we have the luxury to play different talent combinations and still succeed at the highest level. Based off the numbers, it does come down to preference and will not be the reason you make or break a key. Heavy Repercussions vs. Anger management or Into the Fray vs. Ravager, all are decent choices. Other than that, please enjoy!

Special thanks to
Alyssaleanaxo –
Truthh –
Majesco –
Lerne –

00:00 – Introduction
01:50 – Talents
13:20 – Rotations
17:10 – Stat Weights
18:36 – Enchants
21:24 – Oil or Stone
22:50 – Outro

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Content Managed by Steve:

Background Music by Tyler Yang:


16 thoughts on “Protection Warrior Guide PART 2 | Shadowlands 9.0.5”

  1. Hmm…
    I only play the "Into the Fray + Heavy Repercussions + Seismic Reverberation Build"
    You maybe want to add:
    When Shield Block is Up and You have high rage (>70) and you don't need Ignore Pain -> Use Revenge to fish for even more Shield Slam Procs to extend Shield Block Uptime even more.
    Always try to have enough rage pooled to cast shield block or ignore pain.

    Shield Block Recharge Haste Breakpoints are:
    14s -> ~10,5%
    13s -> ~18,5%
    12s -> ~28,5%
    11s -> ~39,5%
    10s -> ~52,5%

    So with Into they Fray you want to aim for 29,5% Haste (+10% Into the Fray = 39,5%)
    When you have the Haste Proc Trinket, you want actually a bit more so you can hit the 52,5% cap.

    Idk, how haste effects Devastor procc rates…

    Versatility sucks.
    The strength of Prot Warrior is crit block.
    That's like ~60% damage reduce vs blockable damage.
    Can't stack that much versatility atm.
    Well it doesn't help against one shoot magic damage or bleeds.
    But at a certain point versatility doesn't help there either anymore.

  2. Another point that came into my mind re the AM vs HR debate: When playing my NF Warrior, AM helps to align Ancient Aftershock (reduced recharge via conduit) with Avatar, whereas for the other specs, it simply doesn't matter (playing a necrolord prot warrior as well) But once again: Thanks for the great content, much appreciated!

  3. Looking at the data in the ravager vs ITF section I'm wondering why there are so many more thunderclaps for ITF and less revenges for ITF.. Revenge is by far the largest dps ability we have, and you're casting it more times using Ravager and less when using ITF, yet you're gaining similar amounts of rage. You're casting more SS with ITF which explains the offset in rage generated by ravager, but with all those extra thunderclap casts in there, lots of GCD's are going to lower DPS abilities with ITF.. IDK, seems like you're not playing the two specs similarly.

    With ITF and the increased haste and a 12% increase uptime of mitigation you should be able to stand infront of pulls longer. More time infront of mobs should lead to more rage gained from being punched, more revenge procs, and more rage to dump into Revenge.. If you're used to playing ravager and kiting more often, any of that playstyle bleeding into your trial runs with ITF is going to directly drive down the performance of ITF.

    12% more uptime of SB in 30min+ dungeons is significant, I'd be interested to see your damage taken because the less damage you take the more GCD's the healer can use for DPS, similarly, the more time you can stand infront of mobs and not kite allows for better damage from your dps via stacked cleave. I think it's important to take those types of factors into the equation.


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