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The final stretch, just two keys left. I also decided to turn on a certain addon for fun.
Pugging My Way Up is a series in which I (Raider in BDGG (world 4th) and former MDI competitor) attempt to accomplish Keystone Master and beyond without playing with anyone I know. I will strictly be playing with pugs I find along the way. For more specifics, check out this video:
My Livestream:
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
illegal to be this early damn
Great stuff, btw can we have a blood dk or feral druid in 9.2? your bfa blood dk series was so good i would love to see you playing tank again. If you are not burned out with this stuff ofc, love the content
Would be great to see a BDK series again! I think portals is a good idea, but also don't mind seeing another KSM. If you do end up doing a tank one it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on routes. If you use different routes in a +12 vs a +18 for example and why.
Holy Pringles BatMan!
How about all +20 as a feral druid?
Great series!! Had a lot o fun watching.
Time to start pushing the season 3 challenge
Right off the bat: EH snitching on you.
Not even 10 seconds later: Dead EH user.
Perfect lol
Maybe try to network enough to the point where you can go for portal with a set team? I think it'd be cool to see a community aspect most players don't experience
bro i need that addon what is it
I really enjoyed this series! Thank you and GL for 9.2
Congrats on KSM again. That last dungeon was a great one to end on.
Awesome series. Looking forward to any next series you have planned next. Great job!
Try Shadowpriest for next time. There's no way that spec will ever be considered meta. It has yet to recover from Legion and whenever it is about to it gets the mallet.
Portals seem like a good plan. I preferred the tank series, since it gives a lot of insight into how you think and go about your gameplay. I love this series and your attitude
about the 1st boss of dos you can just with the bomb, i do it every time when i am not in tank prison
Portal seems like the old KSM definitely would make the series more entertaining, good luck on ur progression
Since you never made it in your last series it would be cool to see another healer for redemption.
Amazing series as always man, can't wait to watch the next one! Also, good luck with the Race to World First, I'll be rooting for you guys 🙂
Trevor, I gotta ask, whats with the massive pile of Pringles behind you? I saw this back in the Nya'lotha and was wondering back than, but this is the first time Ive seen you with your facecam since then, so I didnt get to ask back than. So please tell me. Ive been wondering for like 3 years.
all portals seems like an awesome idea. maybe try a healer this time?
I would like to see resto druid
good series, good pringles, cant wait for next
My dungeon group uses elitism tracker and whoever takes the most damage over the dungeon has to provide consumes for the next dungeon lol
feral druid all the way, great series!
I'd like to see you play bear or rdruid and go for portals.
Loved this series, keep doing these. You should try doing a healer next time, or a different tank spec, maybe guardian druid or something. Keep up the great work man, love your content. Gl with getting gear from the new raid Kekw.
I ran out of time at work to stay caught up with the speed you released these last few videos, but I finally made it to this one! Just a tip for folks who may benefit from the information that ElitismHelper offers but who don't want such an annoying addon: I recommend getting the Elitism plugin for Details! You can show "avoidable damage taken" in a nice details window (it's under Scripts -> Avoidable Dmg Taken) so you can see when something might be your fault or not…without annoying the crap out of your group or being rude. And it's there to broadcast if people get tilted I guess, though I've never had to do that.
Thanks for the fun last video in this series. I had a blast watching it, and almost lost it when you asked about when to use lust and the addon so lovingly translated your words for you. I liked that you admit KSM was pretty easy that late into the patch, and I agree. I pugged it for the first time ever in 9.1.5, and though it took me a while (leveling + playing with chronic pain) it was mostly a matter of being patient to get into groups, and then being friendly once invited. You said at one point in a recent video that you were surprised more people didn't say "thank you for the invite" when they got into a key, but I'm also shocked at how many people just don't even bother with "hello." Being friendly and offering a greeting goes a long way to hold groups together, as other players feel less inclined to leave a key if things seem iffy so long as they feel that some kind of connection has been established between them and the others in the group. As to the next series, I love seeing healers as much as anyone buuuut feral druid is kind of bottom of the barrel right now, so that might be one of the most interesting options for that. Certainly it would be a bit more challenging than most. Let's just hope you don't get 197 SD keys in a row on it. 😉
Hope you're having fun in the new raid! I'll be lurking around waiting to see what you come up with next.
i havent played wow in a while but still enjoy your videos. what does "portals" mean though. in reference to the end of the video for next series idea?
Those people with addons type in chat they have used interrupt or failure damage take i right click their names and ignore them they are the most annoying people in game filling chat with nonsense
Hey, I was wondering if you mind sharing your nameplates profile?