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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands
Your 311 idea they said they will do it in 10.0 IIRC
Give fresh 60 players gear! The gap of a fresh 60 is brutal
Im all for fairness ! Tired of dealing with ppl who have that much more hp/main stat/all secondary stats ! Even then me and my bud managed to hit 1800 rating with 1/50'th of the average amount of games played in the 2's bracket of all folks we face. Some of us dont have that much time to invest in playing so we would have to play undergeared, always. Love this !
100% Agree with your take on pvp gear being the same ilvl. What i'd really like is if we got pvp power and resi back like what we had in mop. That way you cant join in on some pve content whilst pve players cant join pvp conent. Well you could but your performance wouldn't be great.
Splitting PvE and PvP is in my opinion the way to go, i hate the fact that pvers with no pvp experience can win wpvp fights, bgs and arena due to their gear.
U do realise that blizz has no incentive to remove boosting in any way right ? They make money with it …. People buy tokens get boosted to a certain level, they run out of money , buy another token and another and another …. All the while blizzard is making money . Why would they ever want to nerf their own income :)) ?
The bullcrap thing is I got to 1800 last week in 3s.
I don't want to keep pushing, but I still have to push in order to level this freekin gear.
It you reach x level, you be able to upgrade all your gear to that level and not have to keep pushing
The only change i want is soloshuffle where gear not count. It would be an amazing way to learn pvp for new players too. And for old players we could farm gear and have fun!
Find out real quick whose the pumpers and whose the dumpers. 🤣
Holy shit, thank you blizzard <3
Just do gearing like it was in WoD and pvp gearing is fine, hell, just bring back templates, but let us choose what stats we want to have, that's it. WoW arena is not about RPG, it's literally E sport, bad, unbalanced, clownfiesta esport, but still.
All I heard was, “nobody playing this shit, please come back”
Being honest though, their logic is, it’s better they resub and quit right away after getting fully geared than not subbing at all.
They need to make conquest able to upgrade gear toi
It should remain uncapped for the rest of WoW. Peoples' efforts should be rewarded, not punished.
cant wait to get farmed by the no lifers who grinder their full set in 2 days
Hot take. PvP gear ilvl should be 311, flat. Upgrading PvP gear only upgrades the PvE level. PvP gear should keep same PvE scaling.
I can't get rating because I don't think its especially fun to play with randoms and I don't have any irl friends playing.
I am an advocate of standardized gear for years. I know that 80% of my guild would play pvp if only they weren’t rekt by no-lifer fully geared. They don’t want to grind and farm twice (pve and pvp) they just want to have fun and play. Every season, people that are working and have a job and/or a family quickly fall behind because of that system. We have to work twice as hard to climb because after three or four weeks, people already have weapons or sets, not mentioning lucky vault that gave insane edge.
They should just standardize pvp gear and give cosmetics, titles, toys that are fun and enjoyable.
Most (non ranked) BGs are won by the team with the less un-geared people. And considering waiting time to queue everything pvp related, it’s obvious that people are not playing pvp anymore because of the state of pvp (too fast, too gear reliant, too much work for corresponding fun, not everyone is pikaboo, cdew, Venturi, savix, mes, snowmixy, raiku, waazz, xaryu, and I forgot many that gave me the will to improve in pvp).
I think they can keep gear progression as long as they cut down on the ridiculous stat differences they currently incur.
Maybe if ActiBlizz actually put some effort into designing cool sets then that would be the reward shrug
No Reason to play this trash season LOL
As someone who took time out of wow and just came back but is still super behind on PVP gear, this is super bad news. I am already getting wrecked in BG's and Arena is hard to find wins as nobody wants to play with an undergeared guy. So cancelling my sub..
By removing conquest cap they also should remove opportunity to upgrade gear based on RBG rating (or at least move it farther). It'll make it a bit more fair for people who farmed honor gear to start their 2v23v3 progression so they wont face teams with so high ilvl advantage on the low rating (to infinitely stuck at it, yeah).
Though all that pvp gear upgrade is completely unfair for alts at the middleend of the season. It was just hilarious to face fully geared guys at the 1k-1.4k rating when i was trying to play my alt at the end of s3 .-.
Gear rating, Gearscore, itemlevel.. All that fucked up WoW.
It was so much more rewarding when you actually had to inspect people to see what their gear was like.
Impossible to even get groups if you have barely gear.
Well, when a more geared opponent (i was rank 1 CP geared) is just standing, while I'm hitting and hitting and hitting and his health bearly moves (not a tank, no healers around), and then he flicks me with one hit without even activating any CDs, it makes me feel like gear matters more than skill. There must be gear progression, but the gap should be smaller.
True true
Its very frustrating for retired players to come back that’s for sure. It’s a farm fest and about as skill less as it gets now, but I think mmo may not be for me anymore if I don’t feel like grinding gear constantly
I would have accepted them allowing us to transform honor gear into set pieces, and if you do it to honor gear you max put at 285 7/7. So then you can just transform conquest gear later.
and 100% agree with the no upgrading in season 4. That is a real 'experiment', that's what we want.
"Preserve the competetive environment" yeah sure sherlock… Rerolling a new alt and oh thats right you cant get set bonus in pvp because you didnt get it last season on this character and now your locked behind conquest cap? LOL, what do we do then? go raid and pray we get set pieces? no way dude, better just wait to play 2 months and then spam play to get set bonus
Alts won’t fall behind as bad because you can buy gear chest and send it to alts
As a new player I found the cap to limit my gear progression this late in shadow lands instead of help it. Im super happy I can get my conquest now.
As a player with no xp or cr it’s hard to find someone actually wanting to play in your group that you list. Also no one accepts my invitations. T.T I just want to learn wow pvp.
i hate the tiers on pvp gear they suck ass PvP players arent like PvE we dont play for endless gear upgrades we play to kill players
It’s lame as shit that I have no reason to push to gear up now in pvp. Unless you’re going for rank 1 or a mount who gives a shit now. Stop catering to the cry babies who don’t want to work for anything. I understand as a rank 1 player you don’t care cause everyone you fight will be maxed anyway but it’s fun for the rest of us.
If it makes sense for pve players to grind for better gear why tf wouldn’t it make sense for pvp?
They’re finally figuring out that gearing in pvp is much more a point of frustration than a motivator. Another lesson from gw2.
03:31 i hope too. to be honest i needed someone talk about this
Best thing I did was quit this game.. it's a black hole of your time. Dobby is a free elf!
They should give out conq boxes too aswell