Questing: Classic vs BFA vs Shadowlands

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48 thoughts on “Questing: Classic vs BFA vs Shadowlands”

  1. Not gonna lie, Classic was fun and all, but I have little incentive to seriously raid Naxx. And while BFA is utter dogshit and on WoD levels of retard, Shadowlands so far is great.
    What? Why are you asking if I play a hunter? Of course I do.

  2. I wish you had incorporated XP gained from the quests
    Classic: 2 bars of XP for quests that takes ages and many deaths
    BfA: Quests that takes seconds – DING!… DING!… DING!

  3. Soooo..
    You comparing:
    Usual quest in Classic
    Starting campaing quest in BFA
    And world quest in SL?


    It's just as if you made video
    Sylvanas vs iron spoon vs martial law tbh

  4. So funny, except classic quests was boring as hell and quest items took soooo much space in the bags that you hardly had room for anything else. Im just glad Wow isnt like classic anymore. And besides, noone does quests in classic without some kind of addon like questie or something like that. If they say they dont use that kind of addons then they are simple lying….


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