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Racism in World Of Warcraft
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There are people and in faction groups that do have issues with the other races… Like, in SoD there is a quest where the Night Elves want to keep "Kalimdor for the Kaldorei." Humans have had issues with the other races before. Dwarves straight up had a civil war. There is lore for it, it's just not the main focus. We are now Champions is Azeroth, Heros of our Faction, and Legends amongst our race, we've moved past basic diplomatic issues in the story.
I am racist against gnomes, mechagnomes, worgens, Pandas, vulpera, goblems, nightborne (gnomes more than anything)
w take
We all racist against gnomes so example my hunter pets names gnomes slayer gnomes eater gnomes crusher i play a nelf 😂
They removed the phrase 'green skin' so it's never happening
I'm all for racial tension in the game, it makes it more realistic and is great grounds for stories. There used to be some racial tension in the alliance back i WC3 between humans and elves and humans vs orcs and vice versa.
you can only go SO far on race issues in a game before it gets stale. we had tensions between zandalari and all other trollkind since they saw themselves as superior. we had dwarfs fighting a civil war amongst each other leading to the eradication of whole zones and cities (even before the whole civil war thingy that ended with the three hammers). worgen where shat on by their own people. kaldorei and dwarfs don't get along real good in general even tho we don't rly see it ingame. we had an entire expansion that ended with a maniacal warchief who would have gladly deleted all of the horde except the orcs cause they are "the true horde" followed by an expansion of him trying to ultimately make this a reality. undead are pretty much hated by almost anyone and everyone for even existing in the first place and just now slowly get something close to being kinda accepted, while they had to exist in the shambles of their former homes. elves in general have this weird superiority complex splintering of groups of elves hating elves for being elves. all this stuff is there.
you just can't put a focus on such stuff in a game you want to appeal to the masses. and by masses I obviously mean shareholders.
W take. It won't happen nowadays though. They're watering it down to the point even cross-faction racism is gonna be completely gone soon.
Nope, nope, nope, nope.