RAF Flying Instructor Flies Aerobatics in DCS | Shadowlands

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Full aerobatics sequence taught Lesson 11 on PRIMO Course, Shadowlands.

Life lessons from the world of aviation, brought to you by a former RAF fighter pilot.

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PC Setup

Palicomp Custom PC
Intel(R) Core i7-12700K CPU OVERCLOCKED
64GB Ram DDR4 3200 Mhz
Arctic Liquid Freezer
Windows 11 PRO
Nvidia RTX 3080ti 11GB

HP Reverb G2

Thrustmaster Warthog Stick
Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle
MFG Crosswind V3 Pedals

noblechairs Hero Black Edition

📖 WEBSITE: https://www.fastjetperformance.com
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Music under license from Epidemic Sounds
Referral code: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/kwxvnf/



12 thoughts on “RAF Flying Instructor Flies Aerobatics in DCS | Shadowlands”

  1. I'll be joining Shadowlands later this year Tim. Had get the broadband sorted 10mb/s ….yes 10 🤣🤣 now 430 ish. Got a pc , but turns out I know nothing about computer-tings 🦕 , thats next . Great video and talk-through, as usual. 🛩🇬🇧🇬🇧 Thanks Again 👍

  2. At RIAT last year one of the legacy Hornets did a transonic pass about 400 ft. My mate and me were hoping the pilot would leave it in reheat just a while longer to hit that magical no of M1.0 😊

  3. Lovely slow roll there, Tim! Interesting to see the difference in pitch-rate in the loop between the light aircraft I’ve learning Aeros in (entry for the loop, 130kts) and the pitch rate at 350kts in the jet. (Difference being the speed plus you won’t run out of energy so quickly of course!)


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