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Ranking all the end bosses from the World of Warcraft expansions
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Crendor has been making Youtube content for over 10 years. Starting with primarily World of Warcraft machinimas and progressing into a variety of games. Crendor primarily streams on Twitch now, but still uploads regularly on Youtube.
►My Favorite WoW Expansion Launch (What’s Yours?)
►How are you Enjoying Patch 9.1?
►Unlocking Shadowlands Allied Races (No More Exalted Reputation Needed!)
►Vanilla WoW in a Minute by Wowcrendor (World of Warcraft Machinima) | WoWcrendor
►Blizzcon 2020 Would’ve Been Today – Also, Shadowlands Release Guessing
You look like you have wings in the thumbnail
Very much enjoyed this. Also, wow leveling? Just sayin…
We really need to define "final boss" here. If Kil'Jaeden was the final boss for TBC, then the final boss for WotLK was Halion. YlRemember that one-boss raid they did in the post-lich king patch with the dragon? Yeah..
How could you forget about the face of WotLK, Halion? What did he do to you…
Argus lore wise was fucking dumb.
Lich King is easily the “final boss” of all memorable WoW
Who already knew Wowcrendor would put WOTLK as S Tier? 😊
I don't know how it was for the alliance leveling but i always leveled Taurens so when deathwing came out it changed the whole questing experience so I loved cata it made sense story wise so it was great expansion he sucked fighting him on his back tho
love you crendor
I love these videos.
Remember that twilight dragon at the end of wotlk yeah me neither bur for real kil jaden just showing up in the sun well was fucking sweet compared to idk wtf is going on with shadow lands the tbc kil jaden fight really made u go omg wow we all could die
I’m guessing:
Worst: Deathwing
Best: Lich King
My picks:
Worst: Deathwing
Best: Garrosh
Edit: oh it’s not mechanics? Then my picks are:
Worst: I would say Archimonde because of how rushed he was but N’Zoth by far Blizz did him dirtyyy
Best: it’s a tough one, but LK has to be on top.
I'm not usually one to comment on videos but this seemed like some kind of randomly rushed fan picked topic video with little to no preparation and honestly very little knowledge of most of the choices that were available.
If I could make my own video about this topic I could easily go 20 mins to a few hours explaining each boss in depth and bringing up my own personal experience throughout the whole thing.
This video literally feels emotionally void and lacking in knowledge.
Yo, I like when you rank stuff in crendor way : )
WotLK is one of the most epic games I've ever played. Absolutely incredible stuff that I fear I will never see anything remotely equal to. That was the team firing on all cylinders and caring more than ever. A work of love. I miss that era in my life so much, just overall awesome times.
It's the same as Game of Thrones.
After season 4 they no longer had any books to go from, so things get progressively worse and it becomes focused on human character drama. Because they have no clue on the overarching story. Until we reach season 8.
With WoW that happened after Wrath. When Arthas died, WoW died with him.
chad green screen
MoP was S tier for me
technically Halion was the wrath end boss, but also very shoehorned in, LK was a far cooler villain. but onto the question, honestly, I'm such a fan of wow and so just grateful to be able to play still that I kinda like them all, we'll see what 9.2 brings, but yea I guess he isn't the best villain compared to all the others. but given everything going on the last couple of years, I'm kinda not surprised everything is all out of wack and "suffering" content-wise
-makes a final boss tier list
-looks up who the final boss was during the video
<3 you crendor
I feel like Garrosh could have been an excellent final boss but they did such a piss poor job of actually presenting his story *in the fucking game*. When I play a game, I don't want to have to go read a handful of books in order to get the full story of what is happening in the game. If they had made an effort to actually have his story contained in the game, and made sure that each player could experience it from start to finish with better direction it could have been really good. The Jade Forest is excellent, but after that, the game just loses the narrative thread and I have no clue what is supposed to come after that. And then there's also the thing with the corruption of the Valley of Four Winds that should have been an instanced story progression thing, not a thing that just happened as a patch for everyone regardless of story progress.
I had to google who half the final bosses were because they were so unmemorable lol
Alternate name for this video – "Jesus ranks Warcraft end bosses". Crendor, your hair is so magnificent, I'm jealous!
Even Warlords, which had so much wasted potential in storylines (Ner’zhul as a dungeon boss, really?), somehow managed to stay focused. The torch being passed from Garrosh to Gul’dan makes some sense even if it’s handled poorly. Garrosh was the reason Gul’dan failed in that timeline but suddenly no Garrosh means Gul’dan has his opening. Clumsy as it is, they stick to that.
I played Alliance and Garrosh buildup on my end was pretty good for Pandaria.
Legion was awesome, I figured they were just going to have us fight in the Tomb of Sargeras to seal the portal but when it turned out we were actually going TO Argus to fight demons I was blown away. It just kept escalating in a satisfying way.
BfA tried to juggle too many things and the power seep sucked. We just beat the Legion now we have to save a farmer from some vermen. The sword wasn’t tied in well either.
Continuing in another comment.
Wow needs to take a huge step back down in scope.. i think most people fell in love with universe when it was about the local conflicts and factions on Azeroth.. right now it's way too crazy and not grounded at all.
Gotta love Crendor.
I generally agree with this, based on the criteria, which is end game bosses. Although I hate to say that Ilidan might have to be moved down. He's a fantastic character, but his presence was incredibly minimal in BC.
Random thought, the problem with siege of orgimmar was it was just so – fucking – long. My god. Not only was the raid long, but the whole "dungeon zone" was just too big.
Idk i think every expansion before cata is boring and badgame. Maybe bc i realy started with cata. before i played wotlk and bc by my friends home and i was only like 8 or 10 yo. I played bc in a private server, reached level 70 i dont remember if it was x2exp but as i heard it need reputation to make heroic dungeons i instantly quitted lol what a shit i thought and still thinks its shit. I play tbc classic and reached lvl30 and quitteg it was just boring asf. Also played vanilla classic and only got to lvl11 bc it was much worse so trash i dont know why people go this torture 0fun. I played wotlk on a pserver did 2charackters to lvl80 and got bored there was nothing to do and everyone is only spaming put of saron boring game. And now you have the expansions after wotlk wo are fun and good games, cataclysm, mop, legion. I quitted wod bc it was bad. But started later on a legion p server and had so much fun doing all this stuff but i didnt realy liked the argus raid. But the city suramar and the suramar raid are masterpiece
As much as he was an awful character, Garrosh as a raid boss was pretty good. Mechanically most of Siege was good, and Garrosh and Blackfuse really were worthy end bosses (especially on Heroic (pre-Mythic difficulty hardest setting for newer players)). B tier for me for the fight being mostly excellent, just being too long and having a little too much unskippable RP.
Deathwing is a C. Mechanically he's a D, I loathed Madness and Spine was tuned really harshly with lots of frustrating mechanics. But story wise, it was alright – we knew from the start he was the end, no dropping a surprise end boss on us that no-one cares about. Killing him had some satisfaction at least.
Lich King is the benchmark for how end game bosses should be. If they let you skip the RP at the start after the first pull it would be A+ tier, only criticism I have of the fight.
Poor Baine. They have been building him up to have some sort of story, especially involving his parents. Maybe next expansion….
I'd move classic down to D exactly because if not for the insane difficulty at the time, kel'thuzad might as well have been a dungeon boss
Ahhh yess, the famous mage, Janice Loudsnore.
"Holy shit now this is an ending, I want to beat these worms up."
This is somehow hilarious both with and without context and I love it.
I played until downing H Dan, but honestly to me the games story ended with Lich King. The entire reason I started playing wow was to see the end of Artha's storyline.
And you are ? ^^
S: wotlk, tbc, vanilla, legion
A: bfa (shame on blizz for making N'zoth a shadow what it could have been)
B: cata
C:wod (liked first Archimonde more but it wasn't endboss in tbc), mop
D: shadowlands (worst story deserves worst endboss. . Infact only way that would make endboss cool would be if there was midfight cinematic how Sylvanas is run over by old blind Kodo or smth)
"This is not an expansion tier list". Proceeds to base most of the judgment on the expansion and not the end bosses themselves. LoL
I still hope the actual final moments of Shadowlands will be us, the players, waking from N'Zoths nightmare and it is revealed we did not kill him at the end of BfA but he actually won and is already taking over Azeroth and we have to clean up that mess and properly experience the realm of Old Gods
I still hope the actual final moments of Shadowlands will be us, the players, waking from N'Zoths nightmare and it is revealed we did not kill him at the end of BfA but he actually won and is already taking over Azeroth and we have to clean up that mess and properly experience the realm of Old Gods
All Nighthold bosses were incredible.
Rate expansion when he haven't play most of them… 🙄
the Jailer is a solid F tier, the amount of shoehorn they do to try and make him look intriguing is just cringe, like no one who was developing WC3 back in the day was like ''oh yeah, later on there's gonna be this bald guy that actually made the frostmourne''
N’zoths fight was oddly suggestive. You fight into a hole in its lower body, then fight a giant prostate, and eventually blow your azerite load all over it.
Honestly I think Garrosh was a pretty cool fight narratively. It was an interesting shift going from a traditional BBEG to someone who's an actual political figure. I also think thematically it made a fair bit of sense since most of the actual themes of MoP was the Alliance and Horde fighting over this new-found land and Garrosh becoming increasingly violent and unethical
After playing Classic I have to say: Deathwing did us a favour by getting rid of the garbage grind quests and cross continent quests. Deathwing S tier.
Halion is the end boss for WOTLK, not Arthas. 😛