Ravensword: Shadowlands – Launch Trailer

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Ravensword: Shadowlands – Launch Trailer

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23 thoughts on “Ravensword: Shadowlands – Launch Trailer”

  1. I always waited for a day when this game would get proper controller support for the mobile version.
    Glad it's coming to the Switch, but if Ratalaika could at least get in talks with CMG to populate the game, as it seems like it's dead and that happens every so often, fulfill it with same random and silly quests, that'd be awesome. I know it might not happen, not even a remastered edition judging by the graphics, but I had to ask…

  2. Hmmm… I've played this through, a couple of times actually, on Android. Is this an exact copy of the mobile version or is it an extended version of the Android version, I wonder? I really enjoyed the game so may buy it either way but it would be nice to know beforehand

  3. I heard the controls are kinda wonky. But considering the propable low budget the game appears af if the developers had a keen eye for open world RPGs.
    Its sad the publisher can't use the brief moment every Switch release gets to polish it.

  4. This game has been out on mobile for ages its a good game had a few bugs mind you there was one bug where my character kept getting stuck in an empty screen and it happened everytime I tried 2 load the game up in the end I gave up and did not play the game anymore.


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