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Hello everyone and welcome to The Indie Gaming Guild, my name is Geoffrey. Today’s video is all about my first impressions and thoughts on the recently released Ravensword: Shadowlands along with gameplay from the opening parts. I am playing on Xbox One. Please let me know in the comments if you enjoy this type first impression gameplay format. Thanks for watching!
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Ravensword: Shadowlands played on Xbox One.
Price: $6.99
Developer: Crescent Moon Games
Publisher: Ratalaika Games S.L.
Available on: XB1, PS4, Switch
Intro Video/Animation by: Dimitris Christou from Pixabay
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Maybe the magic is breaking the ragdolls? Lol!
You`re a brave souls for not only playing this game but also buying it with you`re own money and I respect the sacrifice you did for us!
7 bucks for an elder scrolls esque game? Im sold
Is this Morrowind footage? lol Thank you for sacrificing your money and playing this. You have saved us all! Nice work Geoffrey, excellent gameplay footage and commentary to go with it
Rat. Ta. Laka – Ratalaika
I'm having fun with it. It's good in a bad movie sort of way, a la "The Room". Easily worth the 7 bucks. The combat isn't exactly fun, but it's close. As much as you can expect from a port of a mobile game from 2013. I sincerely hope it being picked up by all these new consoles means they'll be padding it out with new stuff.
This is like finding a hidden gem on Dreamcast or PS 1 or Nintendo 64. It's actually really good! 3rd person, quest management, a decent map…. For 6 bucks?! Yea for sure!
I picked this up on Switch. It's janky as hell but for some reason I can't stop playing it.
Wow this does look funny
janky AI always makes me laugh and I cracked up when the shiny sheep escaped. This looks and sounds like an older game which is cool. You may like it more as you play on but yea as Graeme said budget Skyrim. Cool video, first impressions are good because you can compare it with how you feel later in to gameplay. There's a lot of games I've not enjoyed at first (especially cutscene heavy games) but once into it I enjoy a lot more 
It really feels like that they forgot the intro and added it at the last possible moment
and I am pretty sur that first bugged enemy was actually a really powerful spell to misguide you
I find it quite charming besides all the bugs, I would need to know more about the story before buying it though. Thank you for this video! I really like these first impressions! 
Still better than fall out 76
Pro's :
Cheap price for a cheap game,
looks pretty good for a Mobile/phone game considering,
some fair attempt at trying to make a RPG that has a close enough style to elder scrolls entries,
janky psychics,
janky ai pathing,
janky UI at times,
didn't come out in 2004 when it would have looked revolutionary. XD
lol i deiced to get it anyway and try it out, atleast the dev's were honest with the price, but here's hoping they can make a newer better entry, i'll add to this comment when i have installed it and had a chance to play it.
I remember maybe playing this many years ago. There were a couple of these rudimentary RPGs on Android that were kind of passable, but a few I think were free. If they are charging money it should a bit more.polished. But I may get this if it's like two dollars lol I'll get a kick out of it on Switch.
Edit: ok I checked and the one I played was Aralon! I mean, it was decent. Kind of makes me wish this one sells well on Switch so they bring those Aralon ganes over lol I think Ravensword was their first game. Crescent Moon Games they were called. Ratalaika maybe its the publisher for console.
Got it on phone so not buy it for xbox when got it on phone
I keep dying very fast .. the first Mission Helping the blacksmith find his Cargo Kicks my ass .. everytime i come the the goblin castle they Gang up on me .. sword and shield but still die everytime .. any sugesstions good Sir ?
I remember playing this on an displayed iphone5 in a local at&t store
Yes this game was released Dec 2012 and was made for iPhone 4s with 512MB ram. It's not the longest of games but it was very ambitious at the time trying to be like ES: Marrowwind. I have heard the game gets better with gameplay and visuals.
For android, this game is pure gold.
For Xbox.. Well..
So I've actually been a 'fan' (as much as one can be) of this game since I had it on the Ouya (clearly I have a soft spot for janktech). I've got this on my PS4 now, and I've got to say, this version seems JUST a bit jankier than even the Ouya version. I'm guessing that's because it was a native Android game. And don't stress about spending $7 on it, it was $10 on Ouya, and $8 on the Play Store about 6 years ago. Plus, the dev, Crescent Moon Games, has a new Ravensword coming out!
I can tell you’re gonna go far in this channel! Hopefully in a year you’ll be in the 50k subs, haha thanks for the gameplay and good commentary!

I played this so godamn much when I was little.
TES VI: Ratalaika
I remember playing this game 6-7 years ago
If you think it’s bad so far you should try to decorate a house lol or at least hang up a picture. It’s still that bad on mobile so it’s not because it’s new for Xbox
I was debating buying this game and watched this vid first. Let me start by saying, I LOVE this idea about first impression playing. No editing crap out, we see the bugs and janks in real time as you do. Now, I was personally a HUGE fan of the original Two Worlds game. Yes, the dialogue was awful, and the menu system was a bit annoying, but the world and gameplay to me were really fun. This game at least on the surface kind of reminds me of that one. I think 7 bucks (on PS4 currently) is worth giving it a try. Hell I spend that on a couple burritos at Taco Bell. Thank you so much for the vid, and please more first impression videos again I think that is such a great idea and an honest way to review something. Cheers!
This game is about I'd say 7-8 years old? Played it somewhere around 2015, made the game look hella good for a 2015 game, it's somewhat decent in 2021 but if they were to update/create an upcoming game similar to this I'd say it would be good
Lol u actually just have to get into it my man, it's not as bad as the first 10 minutes but still super low budget.. its like any other ratalaika game but in a 3d world lol, actually it's worse it is really buggy but it does have plenty decent parts and was a fun platinum I thought personally.. I got it in under 2 hours and idk it was an experience, u get to ride and fly mounts whenever from pretty early on and don't have many restrictions for weapons and armor except money which is easy enough to gather.. again it's really cheap, but I wish you'd had put an hour or two into this one grabbing all the highlights and downers instead of just doing a live jump in as it just happens to be the absolute WORST game to do that for lol.. it makes it look like Orc Slayer through & through when in reality its just ratalaika having fun on a budget again and if u like cheap new little worlds to explore and especially ps2 era games this might actually scratch an itch and it's another platinum and achievement if anything as mentioned, not one that's a ripoff 5 minute one but not a horizon zero dawn where you need a few weeks to do it all either…
Like even all the issues you were having right away I thought i was having the same but you just aren't far enough into the game for any of it to load in and if u knew ratalaika games you'd know that their budget just keeps those menus there even when they are useless or early on in the game.. the blurry block that pops up with the left bumper is a minimap thats super handy from early on and the controls and other menus won't become an option or pop up until you're past the first part I went back a second time a replayed it all to see and none of it was bugs. Where the people ran into the wall and stuff yes that was buggy, the a.i. in this game is broken thats obvious but ignore them anyways they are pointless and don't impact anything they shouldn't have done any at all you'll see it with enemies too until your close it's low budget but none of It is like useless trash nobody cared about as it may seem, it's a style of game ratalaika makes and they still put some heart into it!!