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Three mounts in less than 24 hours! I got insanely lucky with finishing up Korthia mounts on stream lately and asked an editor to cut together my live reactions. Watch full VoDs and catch live streams 6 days a week (Sat/Sun/Tuesmornings and Wed/Thurs/Fri afternoons) over at
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Edited by mckl:
Hazel Merch!
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Grats. Have you gotten the covenant xmog from doing the korthia dailies for each covenant yet? I might be in the minority as I farm xmog as well as mounts pets and toys.
13 attempts! I had to pick myself up off the floor. I was wondering what happened to that french fry I dropped. I'm at 286 attempts at that ugly mount. Congrats Hazel, love your content.
Is there a renown level requirement for those mounts to drop?
I do Korthia to buy sockets for gear lol
I also had crazy mount luck the other week. They were the Venthyr, Maldraxus, and Ardenweld mounts from Korthia (all same day!), the mushroom bear from Korthia, Venthyr assault mount from the Maw, the Corpse Eater mount from Uldum, and a Solar Spirehawk from a cheap Unclaimed BMAH Container. Grats on your haul!
Gratz for the mounts Hazel <3
My luckiest mount drop was Deathcharger's Reigns. I got it after only 8 clears.
I’ll usually go 6 months with no drops and suddenly get 3 in a row. Strange how that happens.
Your excitement and joy is so pure 🙂
How can you not scream very loud when you got that lucky? When happens to me, I cant stay that calm
Hazel's reactions to getting rare mount drops are like… so wholesome
congrats Hazel, i still need the Corpsefly, Reliwik and the Codex Paragon mount, then i'm done with Korthia forever, unfortunately i am currently too busy trying to get the Valentines mount to go after those right now.
Congratulations, and also PADDED SHOULDERS!!!! YES
You sound like me…”was that real or was it a dream?” I don’t know too many people who can relate!
1:25 the best part of farming mounts
how you get that wormhole ?
I love the new editing that you've done in the last couple videos with the overlays.
World of Talkcraft
what is that addon that displays the mounts as achievements? oO
You're damn lucky is all I can say. I still haven't gotten Rivendare's Death Charger's Reins and I have been trying for YEARS!!
congratz chickie!! and Happy Valentines day.
I hate that so many people are so lucky with mount drops <me still farming famu, hopecrusher, fallen charger and every korthia mount> exasperated sigh
Wonderfully cut! 10/10 acorns!!!
I'ma am entitled ff14 player and I demand you play ff14 or you will be canceled
can't use item restore to get your old gear back?
I got the NF one and 2 of the paragon mounts………that's it. <sad Panda face>
I had really good mount luck last week! Maybe blizzard bumped the rates for all drops for a day haha
Gratz! Corpsefly refuses to drop for me… Done with all the others 😩
Wahoo! Nice!!!
You're just super cute 🤗🤗🤗😄😄