REDEFINING! What 9.1.5 Means For Shadowlands And WoW – Warcraft Weekly

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The first build of Shadowlands 9.1.5 is out in the wild, giving us a taste of the many small changes that will try to redefine how we look at the embattled expansion and the World of Warcraft as a whole.
In today’s Weekly I try to paint a picture of how the patch will feel on the first day, based on the information we have available. It’s a lot of good! And it’s a lot to question too!

Ask A Game Dev

Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

0:00 Yeah they’re good tunes
1:13 9.1.5 From an Main’s perspective
8:43 9.1.5 From an Alt’s perspective and issues
13:01 Too little too late?

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

#warcraft #shadowlands


30 thoughts on “REDEFINING! What 9.1.5 Means For Shadowlands And WoW – Warcraft Weekly”

  1. I would love to see you cover more games, even if it's just on stream! wait that's not a question
    Would you consider covering more games even if it's just on stream? maybe short first impressions?

  2. This is great. But I’ll come back after a pattern I approve of is set. Communication and content release cadence. That’s it that’s all. Didn’t leave because blizzard is incapable. Left because blizzard lost their way.

  3. 1) considering most of these systems last 1 patch and then get completely abandoned, it's hardly believable that the context is undisclosable because tied to future secret plans. what undisclosable future plans were corruption gear tied to? or azerite gear? or conduit energy?
    2) it's not the coders that explain stuff to the community, it's the CMs, get the CM leader on board with the design decisions, and he'll pass down the rationale to his team.
    3) if they explained things there would be fewer angry fans, not 0 but fewer.

  4. I found that most of the time I'm looking in lfg for a class rather than a covenant unless I'm pushing really high in the dungeons where it's helpful (never needed a necrolord since their buffs aren't necessary at my level). And if I brought on a person that was playing their worst cov mechanically I'd shake my head knowing they're wasting some potential, but they were usually adequate.

  5. My question for coffee time: do you think we will get spell vfx updates any time soon. For example.. if I wanted to be a zandalari priest why can't I play a load priest with instead of a light spawn a load for example or maybe I wanted to be a blood(shadow) priest giving me the option to not mindflay but use the same spell and same numbers but just let it look like I'm leeching blood. In early wow all priest races had their own different spell or passive Wich was cool. You could also get void paladins cause if paladins are combat trained priests why can't they wield the void. Or give the blood knights a red lightcolour spell. Imagine demonology warlock but with necromancy/necrolords themed spells and creatures. Boombadabing we finaly got necromancer or even demonology lock with mechanical creatures a bit like a tinker that sends out walking bombs like that boss in gnomeregan and has a harvest watcher ot that harvest mount instead of a felguard… Call it a arcanosmith or something… I think we don't nescecairly need more classes but maybe more agency in what kind of *insert class* you wanna be. Maybe I wanna be a good guy gnome tinker warlock. Maybe I wanna be a bad guy shadowflame mage or even a spellblade warrior or a shadowy mistweaver monk … You get the picture :p

  6. I'm quite happy about these changes but I'm also enjoying other games right now, particularly GW2 and FFXIV. I may return to WoW someday but right now I'm just enjoying following from a distance. Ty Soul for always covering all of this!

  7. Oh, absolutely, it is terrible when players have the audacity to express their opinions to Game Developers… or should we refer to them by their preferred title, Rockstars. They need to learn to shut up and be happy that they get anything.

  8. 10:30 I'd love the option to level through Thorgast from level 1/10 as a one of the many souls unjustly sent to the maw and trying to escape.

    Gameplay could revolve around obtaining abilities, passives and talents during the first part and then, by level 40 or so, around the typical Thorgast progression with crazy powerful augmentations.

    At level 50 players would ultimately exit the tower and get a second chance at living, reaching max level though regular means.

  9. It worries me that they described the skipping of the campaigns as similar to Threads of Fate, there will most likely be a grind/repeatable/fill the bar quest to get the Renown and it will not just be given for free. So we may still be looking at hours of boring content to catch up on Renown, better for sure but still not what many are expecting when they see a campaign skip.

  10. @SoulSoBreezy
    I like playing WoW in the open world more than in instanced content but the options are pretty limited. For me it's gathering herbs and doing world quests ( not per se in that order ) I would love to have (optional) quest chains and even (world) quests in the 'old' world so the World of Warcraft feels much more alive than just running circles in the current expansion.
    What are your thoughts on that subject?


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