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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:30 Druid
2:38 Death Knight
4:05 Hunter
4:54 Mage
5:33 Monk
6:27 Paladin
7:08 Rogue
7:54 Priest
8:44 Shaman
9:31 Warlock
10:40 Warrior
Omg I’m first
I know it would be a pain but I wish they would bring back symbiosis as an ability for druids
As a MM Hunter, the ability I miss the most is Readiness.
Hunter stings
I never played Legion that gust of wind power for shamans sounds fun
Cant speak for All classes but:
rogue: burst of speed
mage deep freeze
Dk: Presence
What we really need is, BFA Touch of Death for monk. Make them shine again!
For shamans, Liquid Magma Totem and fire totems are missed a lot.
For Warlocks I would really love stuff like Fel Flame and soul harvest back, and perhaps backlash procs. That would seriously help out survival and DMG on the go and would more than likely balance us out in the current meta
Odins fury
Would love Seals back for paladins, also the old mastery of holy pala. Monk I would love stances back (MW). Felflame for locks (also the old demonology). For shammys, pick and choose perma totems to place.
I like to see on Havoc – Chaos Blades Legion Single target Talent Increases all damage done by 30% for 18 sec
While active, your auto attack deals 150% increased damage, and causes Chaos damage. Havoc have too much Aoe Talents. Maybe make Fel Barrage give pasive effect when ability is on cd, abilites have a chance for proc 2 sec of Fell Barrage without animation, just things hit targets. And Bloodlet is nice Talent Throw Glaive bounces to 2 additional targets, and causes them to bleed for 150% of the damage inflicted over 10 sec.
Nice video, I would especialy appreciate gust of wind out of these, however as a warlock I kinda disagree with the pick of supremacy/demonic servitude. I see why people would like to control higher demons and it does sound cool but I don't think it was such a great thing in practice.
Sure it had it's uses definetly but it kinda took an offensive cooldown from you and made it replace your pet so you kinda actualy ended up summoning fewer demons, not more. Apart from that with infernal it made the demon less cool since the meteor was replaced by a stun ability that you had to press.
What I'd instead like for warlock is, def fel flame for aditional mobility, backlash procs too (overall destro should be made more mobile like in MoP again). But I think overall warlock needs lot of stuff fundamentaly reworked + more passives rather than particular abilities.
Thanks for adding bookmarks ❤️ great content, I miss warlock metamorphosis from mop the most
would love gladiator stance back for warriors.
Give demolocks metamorphosis. IDC if it's an demon hunter thing now, they got done dirty
I would love to see RAID WIDE windfury totems for shaman. The party only buff was a slap in the face. Monk/DH allows ~2.5% extra dps PER PLAYER but windfury results in roughly 1.5% for the raid.
what about the presence from wrath like blood presence unholly presence and frost presence they where like deathknite version of seals and stances
I liked mana burn on my disc priest. Was the best in arena.
I also miss spectral guise for priest that gave u stealth and warlock felflame for destro.
Claws of shirvalla for ferals
And the talent that let u cast while running as lock.
I would LOVE, to get back Frostfire bolt, Deep Freeze and Shatter(Mastery) for Frost Mages, cataclysm frost mage has always been my favorite .
Not going to be happening cause the game already is too many abilities and this will just add to it and make it harder and more complex and more annoying and also ability bloat.
Symbiosis is one move that will never be brought back. It was a nightmare to balance to the point raids had to be designed around it.
The WoD cat form on the other hand is something I'd like to see return, which also appears a lot easier to deal with from a tuning standpoint.
Me personally sorry but I'd trade all of these for – Have Group Will Travel
Not an ability, but Glyphs should make a real comeback.
The warrior fire skill if anyone remembers
what i hope for my frost dk avalanche being turned in to a 2 min CD dk lift a giant boulder of ice and throws it towards the enemy rime can now stack up to 2 stacks and be able to consume 2 at same time, next a talent to replace raise dead in to summon lich 3 min cd 1 min duration more damage and slap in a your next KM deals X amount of extra damage for every spell the lich has cast.
Aspect if iron hawk, gust of wind. That spells destroy class identity. It's not about iconic class ablities return.
Smoke bomb would be alright but I'd love burst of speed back