Retribution Paladin M+ Guide [Shadowlands Patch 9.2]

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My complete guide for ret paladin m+ for this last major patch of the expansion,new build with tier set feels really good to play with, hope it helps you guys.

0:00 Intro
1:12 Talents
7:10 Conduits
13:58 Legendaries
17:50 Stats
19:56 Trinkets
22:44 Rotation
24:52 Outro


16 thoughts on “Retribution Paladin M+ Guide [Shadowlands Patch 9.2]”

  1. How big of a dps loss do you think it is if you just time your divine toll and wake of ashes to basically line up with wings every time? or essentially every other minute will be with divine toll and wake of ashes with wings? (excluding procs on wake of ashes)

  2. Great video and thanks for the input on trinkets, I hate having to use last patch heroic ows feels bad until I can upgrade. Currently using heroic vigil and old heroic ows. Just got 4 tier and it feels great now with our rotation. The whole “d” tier class really hurts pug rets though wish people respected our class more. Maybe our old blessing of kings would help!

  3. Bit on the loud side music wise but other than that really nice! Do you have a Weakaura link for your main abilities shown in the video during rotation? looks nice and simple

  4. Nice guide as allways ty …i have one question tho ..
    What do you think of trinket from darkheart ticket ?? The one that gave haste when you auto attack i think it have great synergy with art of war(more procs )…do you think its viable to spam darkheart dungen this week for it..ty bro much love


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