Returning To Retail WoW In 2023!

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Let me know what you thought, Hardcore coming out on the 24th, so i’ll be making a couple Hardcore videos then!


Returning To Retail WoW In 2023 (Patch 10.1.5)


35 thoughts on “Returning To Retail WoW In 2023!”

  1. Simple, dont increase lvl for each exp. And ppl will have to run all raids to gear up to current ilvl same why lost ark was fun. And also the reason why all raids rep farms would always be ran

  2. I love retail as a pvper. I just want to queue arena and got honor geared in two hours. It’s awesome. And PvP progression is separate from pve so I’ve had fun pushing keys. So many quality of life changes and the classes are so refined. I do love retail

  3. New player: Alright just finished exiles reach, now for some BFA.

    Princess T: Welcome champion of the Horde.

    New player: Champion? I am literally still like a new recruit and I have no idea or context of what’s going on.

  4. Tried whitemane private server and it was so much p2w im also returning to retail a week ago. i was amazed how easy it was to get back into it. ilvl 420 after a week of playing.

  5. I legit just comeback to the game for the skip to garrosh aswell, i got tusks and the mount in about 5 weeks with 10+plus runs a week, got the mount about 3 weeks ago and got tusks yesterday

  6. Mythic + definitely kills the game for me every time. I think maybe I'll like the game and come back to it… the community is horrible for this Myhic + system and then you can spend all that time to get into a group, finish the dungeon… and then after all that I get no pieces of gear, run after run, after run. The only time I can really get gear is waiting for the week to end for the vault from doing all those mythic + and maybe getting 1 piece. And what makes it worse is that these days people just keep gear they don't even need and help another party member in the group and just ignore your requests. Definitely not the game it use to be. Mechanical and community wise. =(

  7. The number 1 issue is this game IS NOT NEW PLAYER FRIENDLY. There is no story line quests to follow along either. The game is based on toxic group finding and tank bears that run to the end as fast as possible in finder. I have no idea who came up with this roadmap for the future. New players Simply don’t stay numbers don’t lie. That is what needs to be addressed. I live on google more then logged into the game

  8. It’s weird to me that you don’t just start at the beginning like you do with final fantasy and just do all the expansions in order. How am I supposed to know the story and the characters if I’m just starting the game now?

  9. I'm coming to wow from ff14, and love the look of retail. Just recently tried classic, and i couldnt get hooked due to some complications.. But, if you've any tips for me, it would be appreciated! Loved the video as well!

  10. If you wanna get back on WoW, just play an allied race. It skips the first 10 levels, tps you to the capital of your faction. Go talk to Chromie and you'll have an eeeaaasy 40 levels grind to the start of Dragonflight

  11. U guys think I could get my account back I haven't played since launch of legion. And I looked it up the other day on wow armory and someone hacked my account and deleted all my toons and everything. But I was able to log in. I almost cried.. and just logged off and lost a bit of my soul…

  12. Not gonna lie, I have been so tempted to come back recently with all these small updates. Never raided though, I am just nervous playing with big groups, out of fear of messing up and screwing up a raid, so the potential of just going straight to the end and experiencing the story that I've missed consistently for years, is actually really cool!

  13. I jumped back in after a friend told me the Blizzcon panel had a lot of positive changes coming. So on my birthday I got drunk, subbed and jumped in. Used a level token because I didn't wanna grind and used the returning player thing to wipe my current quest log and added new bags and gear… I had no idea where to go and what the fuck was going on, I had 4 new dragon mounts and just picked up a bunch of quests to figure out what's new to the game. I'm gonna level another character to figure out the path of progression to unlock some additional playable races.


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