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When Mats Steen, a Norwegian gamer, died of a degenerative muscular disease at the age of 25, his parents mourned what they thought had been an isolated life. But when they started receiving messages from his online friends around the world, they discovered that Mats had long been leading a vibrant digital life that had left a profound impact on the World of Warcraft community.
In honor of Mats and the impact he made on the World of Warcraft community, we have made the Reven Pack. By adding the Reven Pack to your collection you will support CureDuchenne, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving and extending the lives of those affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Don’t miss out on seeing Mats’s incredible story captured in “The Remarkable Life of Ibelin”, now available on Netflix.
Now through January 7, 2025, 10:00 AM PDT, Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% of the purchase price of “The Reven Pack” digital bundle to CureDuchenne, less any chargebacks, refunds, transaction fees, and Value Added Taxes (VAT), or other similar taxes paid. Buying or purchasing this digital item is a license.
Support CureDuchenne with The Reven Pack:
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Please unblock in Russian!!!😥
They should have make brutosaur charity mount. Clear it was gonna rise more money for good cause.
Rest in peace Mats
Rest in Power little buddy. You've fought well. <3
Hope you are well now, bro 🙂 and nice that you think about him this way.
Is the memorial ingame?
Does this have an auctions house or mail box on it?
You can be cynical and edgy or you can recognize that Blizzard is giving 100% of revenue to charity.
I’ll opt for hope and optimism.
My heart ….donating for sure! ❤
Stop cutting Onions!
Hello adventurers do you love Warcraft and metal? Well you’re in luck! Head on over to the channel and discover that feeling all over again! Thank you for reading!
can't stop crying, thanks for all the emotions that come from this video
He truly was the baron of Ibelin from KOH
First Bruto, now this. Just take all my money, Blizz.
parse in peace brother
They really brought back Ibelin's soul from the Shadowlands to cover for the backlash from the $90 Brutosaur for this one
Now that’s a son/person to be proud of
thank you Mats <3
This is fantastic. Good on you Blizzard. Bravo 👏🏼
RIP Mats, glad your spirit will live on in one of the best fantasy worlds ever created. The WoW community needs more people/guilds like this.
Man watches video. Man sad. Man cries.
good job guys
Did he drop any good loot?
Seen you in the Shadowlands, Mats!
Take my money, thank you Blizzard for this ❤
yep that was an easy 20 bucks….. <3 prayers to fam
That's something im going to buy! ❤
Im not crying YOU ARE!
Thank you Blizzard!
Beautiful. Amazing thing to do this Blizz. Amazing story. More of community themed events and fundraising please 🙏 prayers for Mats
Blizzard: "Also, buy our $90 dinosaur mount that we're putting in the store on the exact same day, 0% of which goes to charity….."
More of this please, less 90 dollar par for QOL mounts.
I'm not crying, you are!
This is probably the nicest thing WoW has ever done. RIP Mats
Highly recomend watching the documentary, it's a beaitful film, about his life. Rest in peace brother.
im not crying you're crying
Rip Cheezy
I’m not crying you’re crying
Why don’t you put the profits on your disgusting 90$ mount toward that
Suprised with the Mount worth an expansion pack why doesn't that monetisation goes to this charity…
Never forgotten Ibelin. Rest in peace <3
Purchased. Great initiative
more of this please.
Actually beautiful! Rip