Rogue Bone Spike Can Now Be Exsanguinated – Necrolord – Shadowlands Guide – World of Warcraft

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Today we look at the mess which is bone spike, some crazy interactions happening on the PTR. Pretty game breaking and I wanted to show you guys what exactly was happening.

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23 thoughts on “Rogue Bone Spike Can Now Be Exsanguinated – Necrolord – Shadowlands Guide – World of Warcraft”

  1. Bone spike is quite terrible sadly. I feel like the rogue covenant abilities are just meh. Reprimand is good but getting the exact combo points needed is hard when you can naturally accrue a combo point. Bone spike feels pretty bad, the dot is low and damage is underwhelming. Flagellation is clunky but good. I haven't leveled my rogue, should I wait until they release the patch fixing covenant abilities?

  2. I'd honestly like it if they left it, but stopped it doing the reapplying multiple stacks of exang.
    Currently playing necro assassination as my alt, was always disappointed you couldn't exang that particular bleed on spike.
    Not that we use exang to begin with while alac is absurd :L

  3. bug or oversight for sure. no way this makes it to live and it shouldn't. I rather have the skill be changed into something useful than be this overpowered broken abomination. And I say this as one of those rare Necro rogues xD

  4. If it's intended, i'm totally going back to assa. Also getting Crimson Tempest and essence of Bloodfang.

    EDIT: Bone Spike has never been a shadow dot, it's always been a bleed. So, it makes sense it's subject to Exsanguinate – i find it funny it didn't. The bug is that since it doesn't have a duration, it's gonna tick faster forever.

  5. Heyho, necrolord assa here.

    First of all, I hope this will NOT go live! It is surely a bug. Yeah, exsanguinate viable would be cool, but not this way.
    Bonespike is indeed a weird ability in some counter-intuitive ways. It is stated as bleed-dmg, but it doesn't gets boostet by the assa-mastery. Furthermore, it cannot crit. But it IS boostet bei our BIS-Lego zoldyk (deals more dmg in execute phase). ^^

    Besides that, remember that the 4 covenants are pretty close together. If you like it, go for it. While it's true, that bonespike does so little dmg, it is still fun in my opinion. Mid-fight it can serve as a cheap way to get garanteed 2 cp's and you don't have to waste 50 energy on multilate. I raided heroic and the first two mythicbosses and got my legy logs, so it seems to hold up with night fea etc. Just don't trust these guids, who copy&paste to tell you, Heirmir is the best soulbind (which is true only for m+). In raid, it is still emeni and that one makes bonespike real fun in my opinion. =)
    It adds a new layer of fine tuning in your rotation and rewards you with good dps, while you supports surrounding melees a tiny bit. What I like most about it, is that it doubles down our strengths, so that we get better in situations, we are allready good in xD. In raid this is mostly Altimor and stone legion. Remember, that every add that dies, gives you one charge of bonespike back, so you have additional 13% agi-buffs for 5 seconds while the dot ticks on two targets. Another example is the first boss in theater of pain.
    I can only advise to think about it. =) Emeni is awesome, especially for raid.

    All in all, necrolord is a solid pick for assa rogue and I am looking forward to the fleshcraft-buff. I think it would be enough to just let the dot crit and it is totaly fine.

    Was fun to see it dot like crazy in the video! 😀

  6. I think the interaction would make for a very specific rogue build. I don’t get the outcry for it to be removed. You would focus on very very long fights, where you can stay within 40yrds for the bleed to not be removed. It starts off very lackluster, but after a few minutes exponential growth is gonna show. In m+ it’s worthless, in short boss fights its not really valuable, in very long fights it’s gonna pay off after a few minutes. These target dummy videos/the gif in rogue discord give a very skewed image imo.

  7. I don't get the "OMG BROKEN LOL" reaction this is getting in some places. You would need MASSIVE haste to have enough of a head-start to ever get even close to this tick rate in any current-tier boss fight, and you're dropping a major source of long-fight haste in order to take exsang in the first place. Outside of raid, you're never gonna get more than 2 exsanguinates off, at which point it's giving you ~300 DPS without the conduit and ~400 DPS with it. Sounds like a lot until you look at boomies convoking for 100,000 damage. Even remaining within the scope of assa rogue, it's still not gonna match a shiv'd Sepsis inside a vendetta on anything less than a raid-boss-length fight. Let's not forget that bonespike can't crit and doesn't scale with mastery (though it appears to scale with zoldyck's for whatever reason). Intentional or not, if this ever did end up forcing an assa meta where you stack haste to the detriment of everything else (I mean way beyond the Haste/Crit stat meta we have now) then Blizzard would be forced to change it anyway. The way I see it, it's not broken because it's OP, it's broken because if it ever proved to be as powerful as some people are conjecturing, it would create such a degenerate rogue meta that even the people using it would probably want it changed. On the other hand, with the changes to SnD and the extra value Envenom will get, exsang NEEDS something like this for anyone to ever consider picking it in any content at all. If Blizz can fix a dead talent and a dead covenant in one buff then I say go for it, but as it is this looks very memey and very "on paper".
    Thanks for picking this up and bringing it to the YT audience, it's something to keep an eye on at least.

  8. It's always been a bleed, not a shadow dot. There's no way it goes live gaining perma-benefit from Exsang; but it would be nice if the bleed damage gained benefits from Sin Mastery the way the poison dot does from Night Fae. Hopefully this change is the start of properly categorizing Bone Spike as a bleed so that it can be effected by mastery.


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