Rogue Mage strategy guide – Shadowlands PvP

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Coaching (Sometimes I coach for free onstream, but generally inactive as of now due to being mad busy, might open back up in future!)

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45 thoughts on “Rogue Mage strategy guide – Shadowlands PvP”

  1. Always good content from Pal. Could you make a quick video on setting up addons. I'm trying to figure out how to set up omni bar and figure out what to track and where I should place it on screen. Thanks!

  2. I'm stuck at around 1300 with 200 ilvl playing RM with about 50% win ratio and I felt stuck to the point of wanting to quit, but this is definitely a tip that has the potential to help us tons, cheers 😀

  3. Thanks now I know why people sap kill target I was always confused about that. I’d like to see more breakdown pvp videos of facing certain comps and tips on what to do. Ty for the videos !

  4. Dude… That's an awesome RMP guide.
    I also play shatterplay (spriest, fmage, hpally) and spriest, afflock and hpally. Do you have any info recommendation for these? Any content link or suggestion?
    Thanks in advance, great vid bro!

  5. Big thanks for releasing educational content! Trying your strats, we're having issues to 2x DB melee cleaves because it keeps breaking to Purge the Wicked before sheep lands on off targets. Any advice?

  6. Is it possible to have sword in off hand or am I losing some stats as subtlety? (I wanted just for mog of course so I am gonna switch only if it doesnt suck in general :D)
    Anyways I really like you content! Thank you for that. 🙂

  7. how are you able to re sap the shaman, after you kidney shot the pally…i thought KS takes you out of stealth? is that for subterfuge only? and then after the 2nd sap do you use cheap shot to open on shaman? Also why do you resap instead of just open after KS on pally…don't you lose DR if you wait to open? also what cds/cooldowns do you use in your first opener vs your 2nd opener?

  8. Thanks man. I think it would be great for a 2v2 RM guide versus multiple matchups. Especially with the new burst damage meta it's just so dangerous for rogues nowadays and so hard to choose the killtarget. Thanks again!

  9. My rogue partner told me about your guide we were playing rogue mage 2's and it just opened my mind about every setup he was trying to explain in game ! This is amazing and you explained it so clearly!

  10. im the desginatted fire mage in my group and im also a fire mage main so ye but i did this with my rogue friend and we went from 1500-2250 in a day as we were getting shitty ass opponets that couldnt counter us it was so fun and honestly an amazing strat


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