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#Rogue #Worldofwarcraft #Guide #Assassination #outlaw #subtlety
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Today were looking at a talent the rogues have called Alacrity, This talent is in all three rogue talent trees. Subtlety, outlaw and Assassination. It just being there causes problems with other talents, reduces fun play styles and brings nothing to general gameplay.
outlaw uncapped tweet
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Goodmorning champions!!! Any other talents you think might have out lived their purpose?
"This is gonna be a short video." video proceeds to be 13 minutes long
I saw the thumbnail and title and immediately knew what this was about
It sounds weird when your mic cuts off constantly when you aren't talking.
Glad you made that video, but tbh, all 3 specs need rework i believe. We need to be able to pick poison build as assa, or bleed build – currently we dont have that option. Sub needs to be a burst spec, not a sustain spec. And thats not only in pve. It's just time for an overhaul. Additionally, it would be cool to have a different type of poison for assa, which gives a utility, or if we need to change poisons for ST and AOE (just an example). The game is not fun as a rogue, compared to other classes/specs.
The differences between the bosses on normal/heroic vs mythic is pretty wild this tier. Outlaw is trash in Norm/Heroic vs Mythic where it arguably becomes the best Rogue spec post the first 3 bosses.
Why not adding stuff back from legion ? for assassin like kingsbane instead alacrity or Canibal barrage from Legion talent
And make necro rouges Less button
like warrior when they R venthyr they will get condomn or what ever it is
Or dk when they R Night fae
So much Work yet Blizard(retardzard) keep doin their own stuff and not givin any shit about the fact that less button more reaction time
Alacrity is dogshit. Venom rush dogshit. Exsangunate sucks to play.
I love assassination, since I became more serious in legion. I always loved assassination.
But it just feels bad. Other specs presses one button and do 1 million damage. I need to wait 25 seconds before my max potential is reached.
I wanna add 1 more bs talent. Poison bomb. Is the any other talent in this game that is less fun than that talent? It is so bad.
its too good i.e. its mandatory