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PvP in Season of Discovery is a wild ride, filled with one-shot chaos and some updates. We gave feedback, they brought in damage reduction auras, but balance is still wonky. Server transfers? Drama alert! And casual play? Seems like it’s taking a hit. Cataclysm’s launch? Messy, messy. Arcane mages? They need some love, seriously. People want account-wide rewards and easier stuff to do. But hey, we’re still trucking along in WoW land.
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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
01:50 – Massive PvP Discussion
06:18 – Servers Dying?
07:45 – Is SoD NOT Casual Friendly..?
11:17 – Cataclysm’s AWFUL Launch so far
14:17 – Please Save This Spec..
17:18 – YOUR Top Comments
WHIPER ME IN GAME ANYTIME!!!! Skyymage or Skyycbk | Crusader Strike Horde
SoD is a mess. Just more rushed crap from blizzard. Huge L with Bloodmoon/Incursions exploits in the beginning of P3. People will just exploit and race to the max level and just hope they don't get caught. I hear about people getting banned every single day from other guild members. Exploit after exploit. Some have 1000's of gold. Is this really how we are gaming in 2024?
was gonna play cata, it isnt really playable, guild broke up in sod, prolly time to end the sub for awhile again
It's not the casuals leaving while me and my Guild loved phase one for new content and the hope of tons of new things to do in the classic world we all left because there was nothing to do and the devs response was if u want more tiers or content go to retail ???? Most players are leaving because of boredom
In relation to the cata issues u have to remember this is the same devs as sod these classic devs are not only horrible at creating new content but they can't even maintain content the real devs created
As a PvP warrior main, I am really looking forward for warrior buffs regarding mobility + new skills in PvP. Other melee classes and specially caster specs are dealing tons of damage while warriors are lacking sooo much mobility that it is barely possible to play in BGs against ranged groups. Please make a shout on this and thx for your vids! 🙂
feral cat NEEDS swipe. we're single target only. feel like bleeds don't do enough damage and it becomes just a shred spam.. also with paladin I wish some of the runes could get moved around because seal of martyrdom is just so powerful we can't take any of the other runes. ret paladin is yet again a single target spec with aoe being consecration.
I left SoD exactly for the reputation farming and raid gatekeeping reason..god how the hell blizzard still think that reputation farming should be a thing in 2024…
My 2 cents.. If they want to keep people chasing runes on all characters, then they should significantly buff exp gains or gold (if max lvl) and this should happen when you discover the rune.
I think how friendly it is depends on your guild. My guild logs, but we haven't kicked anyone for parsing gray or green. I refuse to pug pretty much anything though, I have had almost nothing but toxic interactions with pugs at the end of P2 and beginning of P3.
PvP changes on SoD are very FKN lazy and bad. New spells are mostly overscaled, beseline ones are ok, but some like paladin judgement from classic seals or hunter arcane shot are weak. That complete BS change. Just nerf damage scaling on runes and thats it!
They need to remove raid lockouts all together. People won't care about their lockout so much so gatekeeping will be minimal and it will allow super try hard parsers to do the raid and try as many times as they like to get big numbers.
Damage was never an issue with me, it's the damn classic spell pushback, that qol from wotlk or cata version would have been lovely. Like druids piss me off, 70% spell push back and they can get their starfire to cast super fast, warlocks and mages just feels so shafted.
most people leave the game because it is too easy and boring. making it even more casual is the opposite it needs…
season of retail
1 thing i would like added for alts is account wide flight paths. So draining running every alt around the world to get runes instead of just flying.
casuals crying color me shocked
lol what are you talking about? PvP is dead because people grinded spam ashenvale (not even the game mode literally one shottin one npc) and mindlessly spam stv every 3 hours for reps so there's no point of pvp. This killed the pvp community and the 'solo q' andys quit because this is the trashiest way to play pvp. The only point of playing is 20 man level up raid with the log andys? Stop kissing the devs arses they flopped bad.
i agree 100%. Phase 1 was casual friendly and i loved it. In this phase all i have had time to do is to farm wild offerings, which sucked.
Stop crying about gatekeeping. Join a guild or stop being bad at the game.
Just make pvp gear has resi then us pvpers can grind the gear and stand out , what’s the point in an aura to take less dmg ?
Everyone says they want more things to do and all these extra quests and professions. But when it comes down to it, you don’t. You want fast easy low brain content. That’s where we have fun. Not trash not complex raids not profession quests not hard ways to level. It is obvious when a majority of the player base, does the easiest thing possible. When you gatekeep and make things hard people quit. That’s why 40 man will NEVER work. P1 was great because it was you and your buds for a few hours.
Just add new rune sword required for rogues..Extra attack+5% for 1st combo point and every next combo point+1%…in neck or belt slot!!! So sword spec could be at least near Mutilate dps!!!
Just wanted to say that Elemental Shaman finally feels like it’s in a good spot for PvE. The buff to Burn was incredible and put us in a great spot.
Put an NPC at the entrance of each Raid that buffs you with all the relevant World Buffs at the cost of say….1 Chronoboon.
20 yard nameplate lockout, an addon for content… yeah, stuff that… I'd rather the QoL' improvements than the shit show of being one shot… b4 a gcd even exists on my end… later'z!